Integrated Applied Mathematics

Integrated Applied Mathematics
professor teaching math class

The Ph.D. in Integrated Applied Mathematics at UNH equips you with advanced mathematical and computational skills to solve complex problems in science, engineering, and industry. You’ll work with faculty experts in areas like fluid dynamics, numerical methods, and signal processing, applying cutting-edge mathematical tools to real-world challenges. This interdisciplinary program prepares you for careers in data science, aerospace, government research, and more, positioning you at the forefront of innovative problem-solving across a wide range of fields.

Explore the Integrated Applied Mathematics Program

About the Integrated Applied Mathematics Ph.D.
  • Milica Leti Headshot
    Ph.D. Student's Research Aims to Improve the Quality of Crystal Plasticity Methods Without Changing their Functionality
    Milica Leti? is a 4th year Ph.D. student in the Applied Mathematics department here at UNH. She specializes in numerical analysis/optimization theory and continuum mechanics. Leti? is originally from Serbia, and graduated from the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad, Serbia with a degree in Applied Mathematics.  1. Why did you choose UNH for your graduate program? …
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  • Gabby Trudeau Headshot
    Integrated Applied Mathematics Ph.D. Student Uses Remote Sensing Data to Create Cost-Effective Monitoring Techniques for Coral Reefs
    Gabrielle Trudeau is an Integrated Applied Mathematics (IAM) Ph.D. student with a specialty in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis. Her hometown is West Springfield, MA, and she completed her undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Mathematics at Westfield State University.  1. Why did you choose UNH for your graduate program?  I chose UNH for the…
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  • Pulkit Dubey
    Pulkit Dubey, IAM PhD Student
    Pulkit Dubey completed his bachelor's in mechanical engineering from BITS Pilani, India (2015) followed by master's from JNCASR, Bangalore, India (2019). During his masters, he worked on hydrodynamic instability of liquid jets where he studied the breakup of a liquid jet to form droplets. He also studied suspensions with non-spherical solute particles and…
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  • marek_Petik
    Marek Petrik
    Marek Petrik was recognized as the 2022 CEPS Outstanding Research Award winner in the Non-Tenured-Track Instructor category.
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  • timothy_damico_iamaward
    Matt D'Amico
    Matt D'Amico was recently recognized as CEPS' Outstanding Teaching Award winner in the Graduate Teaching Assistant category.
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