First order equations:
Separable Equations
Linear First-Order Equations (integrating factor)
Exact Equations
- Algebraically Homogeneous
- Paul
(note: he uses a slightly different notation to determine homogeneity) - Organic Chemistry Tutor
(note: he does not give criteria for making this substitution)
- Paul
- Bernoulli
- Algebraically Homogeneous
Second order equations:
Linear independence and the Wronskian
Second order constant coefficient problems
- Homogeneous
- Case 1: Real Distinct Roots
- Case 2: Real Repeated Roots
- Case 3: Complex Roots
- All: Organic Chemistry
- Non-homogeneous
- Method of Undetermined Coefficients
- Variation of Parameters
- Paul
- Organic Chemistry Tutor
(note: both use different notation. Compare with your class notes for consistent use)
- Homogeneous
Higher order constant coefficient equations
Laplace transforms:
By definition
Using the table
Inverse transforms:
Solving ODEs via Laplace Transforms
Unit step function and delta distribution
Dr. Trefor Bazett's full Laplace playlist
Systems of odes:
Systems of equations
- ???????Paul
- Paul on matrices
- Jeffrey Chasnov
(note: he does not explain the "why", if you are interested)
Solutions by eigenvalue/eigenvector
- ???????Case 1: real distinct eigenvalues
- Case 2: (may get to) repeated eigenvalues
- Case 3: complex eigenvalues
- ???????Paul
- Jeffrey Chasnov