Mathematics and Statistics
Explore the Department of mathematics and statistics.
We offer a variety of graduate and undergraduate programs in pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Statistics. Research is conducted in all areas, with over 25 talented and ambitious faculty members. Our courses build a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics for students throughout the University of New Hampshire.
Programs of Study
Recent Stories

Improving STEM Education

Instilling Proof and Reason
Instilling Proof and Reason
UNH researcher lands major grant to improve mathematics teaching practices
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The Mathematics Center (MaC)
tutoring center for UNH students
The MaC offers walk-in help to students enrolled in 400-level mathematics courses offered at UNH. The service is FREE and no appointments are necessary. We can help with assignments, check homework answers, and assist with other course material.

Calculus Placement Assessment
If you plan to take Calculus (MATH 425) in the spring, but have not met the prerequisite, you must take the ALEKS PPL Placement Assessment.
For more information about ALEKS PPL and instructions for accessing the test, please visit the Calculus Placement website.