Math 418: Analysis and Applications of Functions
All About Math 418
Question: Who is the professor for Math 418?
Answer: Dr. Alice Hempel
Question: Where is the professor's office?
Answer: Kingsbury W353
Question: When are the help hours for the professor?
Question: Who is your TA?
Answer: Your TA is Debora. Her office is Kingsbury N330.
- Class Meetings:
- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you have lecture with Professor Hempel in a large lecture room. This is where topics are introduced and basic examples are covered.
Professor Hempel posts detailed information on Canvas about the schedule! - Tuesdays and Thursdays you have recitation in smaller groups with your TA and LA.
- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you have lecture with Professor Hempel in a large lecture room. This is where topics are introduced and basic examples are covered.
- Homeworks are due on Tuesdays.
- Written Homework is available on Canvas and is submitted via Gradescope
- Online Homework is accessible via Canvas through Achieve