Civil & Environmental Engineering Student Advisory Board

 Sofia Anestam

Photo of Sofia Anastam

My name is Sofia Anestam and I am a junior environmental engineering and sustainability dual major from Easton, MA. I am currently the climate and energy intern for UNH's Sustainability Institute. I am a member of Chi Omega, the New Hampshire Outing Club, and the club field hockey team. I love traveling, hiking, skiing, and spending time outdoors. This past spring, I studied abroad in Stockholm, Sweden, where I took part in study visits related to sustainable engineering in Sweden and Iceland. I am looking forward to serving on the advisory board to help give every student in the program the best experience possible!


Cameron Bishop

Photo of Cameron Bishop

Hello! My name is Cameron Bishop, and I am a senior studying Environmental Engineering. I chose to pursue a major in ENE due to my love for the outdoors combined with a background of construction. I hope to be able to combine my knowledge from UNH with a healthy balance of field and office work in the consulting world. I am from Duxbury Massachusetts, and I love to spend my time in the outdoors fishing, surfing, skiing, mountain biking, etc. Currently at UNH, I am the vice president of Engineers Without Borders and the outreach chair for ASCE. On this new journey as a part of the student advisory board, I hope to take all the feedback from my peers and feed the department with the feedback we all agree on.

Grace Burcaw

Photo of Grace Burcaw

My name is Grace Burcaw, and I am a the undergraduate Environmental Engineering program here at UHN. I chose to pursue a degree in Environmental Engineering because I have always been fascinated by the beauty of our planet and love to explore and analyze the delicate balance between the environment and human progression. In addition to working with renewable energies, my dream beyond UNH is to be an astronaut and experience the effects of outer space. I am also on the Women's Soccer team here at UNH and bring a unique perspective to both the field house and classroom. I love to talk soccer, science, and anything in between, and look forward to serving on the student Advisory Board to help make a better experience for every student in the CEE program!

Caitrin Dunphy

Caitrin Dunphy Photo

I am a sophomore environmental engineering student, and I’m from Middletown, New Jersey. I am a member of the rowing team and love a good intermural sport! I also enjoy being outdoors, swimming, snowboarding, sunrises, and spending time with my friends! Currently I am interested in storm water management and would love to do research during my time here as an undergrad. When I leave UNH I hope to become a professional engineer. I am looking forward to working with the advisory board to make positive changes and leave a lasting impact within the department! 

Paige Hornbeck

Photo of Paige Hornbeck

Hey everyone! My name is Paige Hornbeck and I'm a Junior majoring in Civil Engineering with a minor in Architectural Studies. I'm from Littleton Massachusetts and I love to go hiking, skiing, and spend my time outdoors and with friends. I work at Zekes, Dimond Library's cafe, and the MaC, where I tutor mechanics and calculus. I am on the executive board of the American Society of Civil Engineer's UNH chapter, and participated on the Concrete Canoe Student Symposium team. I am on the CEPS Recruitment Team and am excited to recruit future wildcats into this amazing college at UNH. I?am a member of Sorority Life on campus, the Ski and Board club, and the New Hampshire Outing Club. I also work every summer with the Office of Civic and Community Engagement to encourage students to volunteer in the Seacoast region.?I am eager to study abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland this Spring! After graduation, I'm excited to explore the opportunities and eventually pursue a master's degree in the field. 

Susie Strickland

Photo of Susie Strickland

I am a senior studying civil engineering and studied at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland during my Junior spring semester. During my time at UNH, I have assisted in geotechnical research and graded for Surveying and Mapping. I am currently an International Liaison for ASCE, helping students navigate the department and assisting in the study abroad process. I am also involved in Tau Beta Pi and Chi Omega.