Ocean Engineering

Ocean Engineering
Ocean engineering buoy deployment

Explore Ocean Engineering

As an Ocean Engineering student at UNH, you'll be immersed in exploration and utilization of the marine environment. You'll study an interdisciplinary field rooted in a variety of engineering and physical science disciplines. Awaiting you is hands-on research in our large research tanks, on our vessels, in our estuaries and on the coastal ocean, using emerging technologies to interrogate the ocean environment, map the ocean floor, design ocean structures and address the dynamic forces that lead to coastal erosion.

  • Nicole Marone
    Ph.D. Ocean Engineering Student Aims to Reduce the Cost of Crossflow Turbines
    Nicole Marone is an Ocean Engineering Ph.D. student studying crossflow turbines. Through testing different blade shapes with less materials, and reducing the amount of structure supports, Marone's research aims to lower the cost of these turbines with minimal impact to their performance. 
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  • Ocean engineering student Kelsea Carmichael
    Meet a Wildcat: Ocean Engineering
    Kelsea Carmichael is a ocean engineering major in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Read more to learn about why she loves being an ocean engineering student at UNH.
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  • Photo of Hannah Arnholt
    Ph.D. Student Mentoring Undergraduates as they Research Undersea Robotics
    As an ocean engineering Ph.D. student, Hannah Arnholt's program prioritizes helping undergraduate students as they study unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). 
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  • Ocean_Engineering_Rose Walker
    Meet a Wildcat in Ocean Engineering
    Watch Rose Walker discuss her favorite things about being a ocean engineering major at UNH and advice for those considering attending UNH.
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  • Natalie_Cook
    Natalie Cook '23 shares internship experience with NOAA
    Natalie Cook ’23, an ocean engineering major from Brookline, New Hampshire, secured an at-sea internship with the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration and is documenting her experience.
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