Control and Autonomy of Marine Robotics

The complex dynamics of the ocean environment (e.g., wind, waves, and currents) present a challenging problem for accurately controlling autonomous marine vehicles.   Working with NUWC Keyport and NAVSEA, UNH researchers are applying advanced control techniques to enhance the robust and reliable control of autonomous marine vehicles in various aquatic environments and sea states.  Current test platforms have included the US Navy’s Seafox ASV, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) Emily ASV, and additional ASVs and ROVs built in-house at UNH.

Funding has been provided by NUWC Keyport, the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), New Hampshire Sea Grant, NOAA, the Link Foundation, and UNH CCOM.

Faculty Members: Dr. May-Win Thein, Dr. Yuri Rzhanov

For more information contact Dr. May-Win Thein

Testing Emily ASV