Copper Alloy Netting in Aquaculture Cage Systems

wire fence

Researchers at the Center for Ocean Engineering, in collaboration with Canakkale University, Turkey, and the International Copper Association, are working to better understand the fouling resistance, hydrodynamics and volumetric integrity of aquaculture cage systems utilizing copper alloy net chambers. UNH personnel performed laboratory experiments to measure the material and hydrodynamic properties, and used this information to optimize fish cage design and net chamber attachments. In 2011, researchers deployed two net pens off the coast of Turkey. These net pens are presently being used for fish grow-out studies. For more information, contact Dr. Barbaros Celikkol.


Barbaros Celikkol
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Engineering
Phone: (603) 862-1940

University of New Hampshire
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kingsbury Hall
33 College Road 
Durham, NH 03824