Graduate Programs

Graduate students can choose either the M.S. or the Ph.D. program in computer science.

CS Graduate Student Handbook (Updated April 2021)

CS Graduate Student Handbook (November 2020)

Information about Graduation

Master of Science

Our M.S. program is designed to help students increase the breadth and depth of their computer science knowledge, strengthen their software development skills, and build their research skills.

Professionally-oriented students often complete industry internships, and the program has an outstanding job placement record for its graduates.

Research-oriented students complete an M.S. thesis under the guidance of a faculty mentor, which usually leads to publication and provides clear evidence of the developed research skills. Our students have obtained leadership positions in industry or have gone on to do a Ph.D.

The Accelerated Master's Program allows UNH undergraduate students to obtain a graduate degree in one year.

We welcome students whose undergraduate degree is not in computer science. In this case, a well-defined set of undergraduate prerequisites must be completed as part of the M.S. program of study.

M.S. students are required to take 8-10 computer science classes and complete a thesis, a project, or an exam.

International students living outside the U.S. must complete a pre-application form before submitting a full application. This process can take a week or two to be processed so please complete the form early.

M.S. Application Information

Apply here

Accelerated Master's Program

Doctoral Programs

Our Ph.D. program is designed to develop a student's ability to carry out advanced research, as well as ensure the breadth and depth of computer science knowledge. Our students have gone on to obtain faculty positions in academia and positions in top industrial or national research laboratories.

Most doctoral students are supported as TA's or RA's.

Computer Science research at UNH

Combined M.S. / Ph.D.

Students who arrive with a B.S. first work to obtain breadth knowledge and a faculty research mentor. Then, working with their mentor, they carry out advanced work that results in original research publications and a doctoral dissertation.

M.S./Ph.D. students are required to take 12 CS (or related) graduate classes. 4 breadth courses are used to satisfy candidacy requirements.

International students living outside the U.S. must complete a pre-application form before submitting a full application. This process can take a week or two to be processed so please complete the form early.

Apply here

Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program is designed for students who arrive with a M.S. and a solid background in Computer Science. These students have reduced course requirements and focus on producing outstanding original research.

Ph.D. students are required to take 6 CS (or related) graduate classes. 4 breadth courses are used to satisfy candidacy requirements.

International students living outside the U.S. must complete a pre-application form before submitting a full application. This process can take a week or two to be processed so please complete the form early.

Ph.D. Application Information

Apply here