Other Resources

Math Assistance Center (MAC)

What the PAC is for CS students, the Mathematics Assistance Center (MAC) is for Math students. The UNH (MaC) is a tutoring center for UNH students sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. MaC offers walk-in help to students enrolled in most of the 400 level mathematics department courses offered at UNH. The service is FREE and no appointments are necessary. The staff can help with homework, check homework answers, and assist with other course material. WiFi is also available in the MaC for students with laptops.

Center for Academic ResoUrces

The Center for Academic Resources (CFAR) offers a wide range of academic support services. Students work together with CFAR staff members to develop the skills necessary for success at UNH.

Student-Athlete Support

If you are a student athlete here at UNH, you are eligible to receive up to three hours of tutoring per week at no cost to you through Student-Athlete Academic Support. This program pairs student athletes with a student tutor who has received a B+ or higher in the course in which the student athlete is enrolled. They offer support for a wide range of classes at the university and have tutors available to fit just about any schedule.

UNH Counseling Center (PaCS)

Academics can be stressful at times and sometimes that stress can be detrimental to our success in the classroom. The UNH Counseling Center is staffed by psychologists and others who are ready to help students cope with the stress in their lives in a confidential manner. They can also assist when other parts of your life are interfering with your academic performance.