Mathematics Education (Ph.D.)

Mathematics Education (Ph.D.)
professor talking to 2 students, pointing forward

The Ph.D. in Mathematics Education at UNH offers a unique blend of rigorous mathematical training and specialized education coursework, preparing you for leadership roles in academia, research, and beyond. The program’s strong mathematical foundation is complemented by opportunities to engage in innovative research at a top-tier research university alongside accomplished faculty. You’ll broaden your expertise through a related specialization, and graduates often secure positions at top universities, contributing to mathematics education, curriculum development, and educational research.

Why pursue a Ph.D. in mathematics education at UNH?

Earning a Ph.D. in mathematics education prepares you to work in academia as a professor of mathematics education, mathematics or education;to take on leadership roles in mathematics education;and to be involved in cutting-edge research. The uniqueness of the Ph.D.program at UNH is that it provides you with a strong mathematical background comparable to that of the pure mathematics Ph.D. You will complete coursework alongside graduate students of pure and applied mathematics, as well as specialized coursework in mathematics education. To expand and broaden your preparation you will also pursue study in a related minor field, such as statistics, educational psychology, research methods or STEM disciplines.

Program highlights

You will work alongside accomplished mathematics education researchers, mathematicians and statisticians who are professionally active. You will gain an understanding of the breadth of the field of mathematics education while also engaging in original research. You will have the opportunity to work on externally funded projects and teach courses for prospective teachers. Graduates of our programs find jobs at both mathematics and education departments at the top universities across the U.S.and beyond.

Potential careers

  • Curriculum supervisor/developer
  • Educational software developer
  • Mathematics education consultant
  • Mathematics educator in government/research/academia
  • Mathematics teacher
  • Mathematics textbook writer/editor/publisher
  • Professor of mathematics education or mathematics
  • Researcher in mathematics education
Request Information

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Curriculum & Requirements

The program is designed to provide students with depth and breadth in the fields of both mathematics education and mathematics, preparing students for educational and research leadership. The program is designed to advance forefront knowledge in mathematics education.

Admission Requirement

Applicants to the Ph.D. in Mathematics Education degree must have BA or BS from an accredited college or university. Successful candidates typically have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or mathematics education and/or advanced coursework in mathematics.


Please visit the Graduate School website for detailed instructions about applying to the program.

Students are advanced to candidacy after meeting the following requirements:

Required Courses
Advanced Coursework in Mathematics
MATH 951Algebra I3
MATH 952Algebra II3
MATH 953Analysis I3
MATH 954Analysis II3
MATH 955Topology I3
Advanced Coursework in the Major Field (Mathematics Education)
MATH 958Foundations of Math Education1
MATH 959Introduction to Research Design in STEM Education3
MATH 968Topics in Mathematics Education I (A)3
MATH 968Topics in Mathematics Education I (B)3
MATH 978Topics in Mathematics Education II (at least two semesters)6
Two additional courses in research methods (one qualitative, one quantitative), typically:
EDUC 904Qualitative Inquiry in Research4
MATH 835Statistical Methods for Research3

Successful completion of written comprehensive examinations in algebra, analysis, mathematics education and an elective subject.

Successful completion of a minor program of study (usually a related one, such as educational psychology or research methodology, but possibly in an area of mathematics) followed by the minor presentation.

Successful completion of a dissertation proposal defense in the major field of mathematics education. 

Experience in teaching equivalent to at least half-­time for one year typically through assistantship assignments.


Students must complete and submit a dissertation that involves original research in mathematics education.

  • Demonstrate deep knowledge of graduate level mathematics content: algebra, analysis, topology.
  • Demonstrate competency in the minor field of study different from, but related to mathematics education (e.g., mathematics, statistics, linguistics, research methods, other sciences, STEM disciplines).
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct and communicate foundations of mathematics education research, theories of mathematics teaching and learning, and mathematics curriculum.

Apply now


Applications must be completed by the following deadlines in order to be reviewed for admission:

  • Fall: Feb. 15 (for funding); April 1 (recommended US; final international); July 1 (final)
  • Spring: Dec. 1, Nov. 1 for international students
  • Summer: N/A
  • Special: N/A

Application fee: $65

Campus: Durham

New England Regional: CT ME VT RI

Accelerated Masters Eligible: No

New Hampshire Residents

Students claiming in-state residency must also submit a Proof of Residence Form. This form is not required to complete your application, but you will need to submit it after you are offered admission, or you will not be able to register for classes.


If you attended UNH or Granite State College (GSC) after September 1, 1991, and have indicated so on your online application, we will retrieve your transcript internally; this includes UNH-Durham, UNH-Manchester, UNH Non-Degree work and GSC. 

If you did not attend UNH, or attended prior to September 1, 1991, then you must upload a copy (PDF) of your transcript in the application form. International transcripts must be translated into English.

If admitted, you must then request an official transcript be sent directly to our office from the Registrar's Office of each college/university attended. We accept transcripts both electronically and in hard copy:

  • Electronic Transcripts: Please have your institution send the transcript directly to Please note that we can only accept copies sent directly from the institution.
  • Paper Transcripts: Please send hard copies of transcripts to: UNH Graduate School, Thompson Hall- 105 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824. You may request transcripts be sent to us directly from the institution or you may send them yourself as long as they remain sealed in the original university envelope.

Transcripts from all previous post-secondary institutions must be submitted and applicants must disclose any previous academic or disciplinary sanctions that resulted in their temporary or permanent separation from a previous post-secondary institution. If it is found that previous academic or disciplinary separations were not disclosed, applicants may face denial and admitted students may face dismissal from their academic program.

Letters of recommendation: 3 required

Recommendation letters submitted by relatives or friends, as well as letters older than one year, will not be accepted.

Personal Statement/Essay Questions

Prepare a brief but careful statement regarding:

  1. Reasons you wish to do graduate work in this field, including your immediate and long-range objectives.
  2. Your specific research or professional interest and experiences in this field.

Important Notes

All applicants are encouraged to contact programs directly to discuss program-specific application questions.

International Applicants

Prospective international students are required to submit TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent examination scores. English Language Exams may be waived if English is your first language. If you wish to request a waiver, then please visit our Test Scores webpage for more information.

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undergraduate student in front of campus building
Students on the lawn at Thompson Hall
student at career event