Education Abroad

The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and the Global Education Center work closely to support students and their Education Abroad experience.  You don’t have to do this alone!

We live in an interconnected world where global experience and collaboration are key to career development and student success.  Therefore, there is a CEPS team of Faculty Study Abroad Advisors, listed below, who support students and their engagement during the academic advising process for Education Abroad:

CEPS DepartmentFaculty Study Abroad AdvisorEmail Address
Chemical and BioengineeringDr. Jeffrey
ChemistryDr. Christine
Civil and Environmental EngineeringDr. Eshan
Computer ScienceDr. Radim
Earth SciencesDr. Julie
Electrical and Computer EngineeringDr. Md Shaad
Math/StatisticsDr. Edward
Mechanical EngineeringDr. Ivo
Ocean EngineeringDr. Yashar
Physics and Engineering PhysicsDr. Per

Reach out to your assigned CEPS Study Abroad Advisor, as early as your First year at UNH, to start the advising conversation about the best time to go abroad and how to fit it in your four-year plan.  Then meet with an Education Abroad Advisor in the Global Education Center. Get started here.           

It is important that students utilize the tools provided on the Education Abroad website, such as the Study Abroad Budget Worksheet on the Affordability page.  Find a program that fits your needs from an academic standpoint using the Program Search Database.

Stay up to date through social media. @UNH Abroad  We look forward to working with you!

Conducting Research Abroad

Grant opportunities to pursue research abroad—in every field, from sciences to the fine arts--are also available through the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research’s international programs, IROP and SURF Abroad.  Explore more opportunities.