Oceanography (Minor)

Oceanography (Minor)
ship working in ocean bay

What is oceanography?

Are you interested in the environment around you, and does a career related to marine science appeal to you? Do your interests lie in the aquatic realm, specifically the marine systems that include oceans, estuaries and the atmosphere? The oceanography minor offers a broad foundation in biological, chemical, physical and geological oceanography, with the opportunity to explore courses in marine biology, botany, ecology and evolution,aquaculture,climate, pollution and more. Combine this minor with a major in the sciences, education or business to prepare for career opportunities in research, government, education, industry or business.

Why study oceanography at UNH?

Students in the oceanography program at UNH work with faculty who span the major disciplines of oceanography. Marine facilities at UNH include the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, Coastal Marine Facility and vessels, the Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island, and a variety of research space in the Chase Ocean Engineering Laboratory, Ocean Processes Analysis Laboratory, Earth Sciences and Biological Sciences Departments, and the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, a Joint Hydrographic Center with NOAA.

Potential career areas

  • Business
  • Consulting firms
  • Education
  • Government research (NOAA/NRL/USGS/USACE)
  • Science journalism
  • State regulatory agencies

Curriculum & Requirements

The minor in oceanography is available to students interested in obtaining a broad background in oceanography. All courses in the program are selected in consultation with the oceanography minor advisor, Dr. Jamie Pringle, (603) 862-5000. Students must complete an Intent to Minor form no later than their junior year. Forms can be picked up in the Earth Sciences departmental office, 214 James Hall.

The minor consists of a minimum of five courses with grades of C (2.00) or better and no pass/fail courses. No more than 8 major requirement credits may be used.

Required Courses
ESCI 501Introduction to Oceanography4
Select two of the following:6-8
ESCI 752
Chemical Oceanography
ESCI 758
Introductory Physical Oceanography
ESCI 759
Geological Oceanography
MEFB 755
Biological Oceanography
Select two of the following: 16-8
MEFB 401
Marine Estuarine and Freshwater Biology: Freshmen Seminar
MEFB 403
Investigative Marine Biology Laboratory
MEFB 503
Introduction to Marine Biology
MEFB 508
Marine Ecosystem Research and Management
MEFB 530
Evolution and Marine Diversity
MEFB 535
Marine Mammal Biology
MEFB 625
Introduction to Marine Botany
MEFB 674
Ecology and Marine Environment
MEFB 702
Sustainable Marine Fisheries
MEFB #725
Marine Ecology
MEFB 754
Anatomy and Function of Marine Vertebrates
CEE #722
Introduction to Marine Pollution and Control
ESCI 502
Beaches and Coasts
ESCI 514
Introduction to Climate
ESCI 701
Quantitative Methods in Earth Sciences
ESCI 720
Ocean Measurements Lab
ESCI 747
Aqueous Geochemistry
ESCI 754
ESCI 756
ESCI 765
Positioning for Ocean Mapping
OE 490
Introduction to Ocean Engineering
OE 610
Ocean Instrumentation Lab
OE 753
Ocean Hydrodynamics
OE 754
Ocean Waves and Tides
OE 757
Coastal Engineering and Processes
TECH 797
Undergraduate Ocean Research Project
ZOOL 610
Principles of Aquaculture
ZOOL 710
Sharks and Bony Fishes
MEFB 772
Fisheries Biology: Conservation and Management
MEFB 628
Marine Invertebrate Evolution and Ecology
MEFB 773
Physiology of Fishes
Total Creditsat least 18

Or a suitable substitute approved by the minor advisor (at least one of these courses should be in the biological sciences).

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