Get Involved

  • Are you interested in astronomy and space?
  • Are you an aspiring or current teacher or just someone who likes to interact with the public and spread knowledge?
  • Have you always wanted to learn how to use a telescope?
  • Are you a local amateur looking for a way to get more involved in the community?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then volunteering at the UNH Observatory may be just the opportunity you've been looking for. The UNH Observatory is staffed by volunteers just like you: local amateurs, physics students, non-physics students, alumni, and local community members. These volunteers all share one thing, a passion for astronomy and a desire to help spread that passion and enthusiasm to others.

What does volunteering at the UNH Observatory entail?

UNH Observatory volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and have varied levels of experience, so responsibilities are varied. The main thing we ask of our volunteers is just to show up. Our ability to provide public and private sessions for the public is often determined by how well-staffed the Observatory is, so having reliable volunteers is key. Experienced amateurs, students, or alumni can help control our telescopes, answer astronomy questions, and instruct in naked-eye and binocular observations. Those volunteers who don't have any astronomy background or prior knowledge can be helpful in general crowd control at sessions and helping to answer basic questions from guests. Of course, any volunteers who are interested can also learn how to use our telescopes and can gain useful astronomy knowledge just by attending sessions and listening to our more seasoned and experienced volunteers. 

If you'd like to learn more about getting involved, please email the Observatory Manager at