Engineering Physics Major (B.S.)

Engineering Physics Major (B.S.)
Engineering physics students working on a NASA project

The Engineering Physics major at UNH explored the collision of science and engineering that creates a launchpad for discovery. Here, you’ll learn the intricacies of matter, energy and motion in an engaged studio format, and also have the ability to tailor your experience to meet your academic and career goals. With hands-on experience, personalized guidance from esteemed faculty and ample research opportunities funded by NASA, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, you'll develop critical thinking skills and practical problem-solving abilities that prepare you to seek employment in an array of fields including an array of fields including aerospace, optics, data science and more.

What is a Bachelor of Science in engineering physics?

This program is tailored to students who seek employment in an engineering discipline that requires a deeper knowledge of physical principles or who intend to pursue a graduate degree in engineering. It produces broadly trained engineers who provide solutions to challenging problems in support of a technologically evolving society. The program differs from a traditional engineering degree in that the curriculum includes a greater focus on fundamental physics.

Why study engineering physics at UNH?

This program offers introductory physics in a lecture and studio format — an active learning environment that includes group work and labs, all in a single room with a professor and graduate teaching assistants. The style allows for a coherent, connected and supportive experience. One studio course integrates the study of calculus and physics, for a deeper understanding of both subjects. You’ll have a unique opportunity to work with advisors to design an interdisciplinary degree program that will prepare you for your long term academic and career goals. And you’ll have access to a plethora of research opportunities with award-winning faculty, where you’ll learn how to approach, analyze and solve complex problems for agencies like NASA. You’ll also assist in developing new technologies, methods and theories that will prepare you for a range of careers in research, engineering and education.

Potential Careers

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Materials Science and Research
  • Engineering Research
  • Systems Engineering
  • Fluids Engineering and Research
  • Applied Optics
  • Physical Sciences Technician
  • Accelerator Operator

Curriculum & Requirements

The goal of the UNH BSEP program is to produce broadly-trained engineers who can provide solutions to today’s challenging problems in support of a technologically evolving society. The core of the program is based on interdisciplinary training, complemented with a deeper understanding of the physical principles needed to support careers in engineering, engineering research or, perhaps, further training in systems engineering. The program balances depth and breadth in skill development; flexibility and functionality are what drive the program in the sense that 1) the particular focus is based on the student’s interests, and 2) the breadth of the course selection is guided by the post-graduation goals of the student (e.g., employment versus graduate school).

Sample Degree Plan

Aerospace Track

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
PHYS 407H Honors/General Physics I 4
MATH 425H Honors/Calculus I 4
PHYS 400 Physics Seminar I 1
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 408H Honors/General Physics II 4
MATH 426H Honors/Calculus II 4
CHEM 405 Chemical Principles for Engineers 4
IAM 550 Introduction to Engineering Computing 4
Second Year
PHYS 505 General Physics III 3
PHYS 506 General Physics III Laboratory 1
PHYS 508 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 4
MATH 528 Multidimensional Calculus 4
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 615 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics I 4
MATH 527 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
Elective in Major 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
PHYS 616 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics II 4
ME 608 Fluid Dynamics 3
ECE 541 Electric Circuits 4
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 703 Electricity and Magnetism I 4
ECE 548 Electronic Design I 4
Elective in Major 3-4
Discovery Course 4
Fourth Year
PHYS 797 Senior Design Project 2
ECE 651 Electronic Design II 4
Elective in Major 3-4
Discovery Course 4
Free Elective 4
PHYS 797 Senior Design Project 2
ME 743
or PHYS 712
Satellite Systems, Dynamics, and Control
or Space Plasma Physics
Elective in Major 4
Discovery Course 4
Free Elective 4
 Total Credits129-132

Engineering Research Track

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
PHYS 407H Honors/General Physics I 4
MATH 425H Honors/Calculus I 4
CHEM 405 Chemical Principles for Engineers 4
PHYS 400 Physics Seminar I 1
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 408H Honors/General Physics II 4
MATH 426H Honors/Calculus II 4
IAM 550 Introduction to Engineering Computing 4
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
Second Year
PHYS 505 General Physics III 3
PHYS 506 General Physics III Laboratory 1
MATH 528 Multidimensional Calculus 4
ECE 541 Electric Circuits 4
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 615 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics I 4
MATH 527 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
ECE 548 Electronic Design I 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
PHYS 508 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 4
ECE 651 Electronic Design II 4
PHYS 616 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics II 4
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 703 Electricity and Magnetism I 4
ECE 543 Introduction to Digital Systems 4
Elective in Major 3-4
Discovery Course 4
Fourth Year
PHYS 797 Senior Design Project 2
PHYS 704
or PHYS 708
Electricity and Magnetism II
or Optics
Elective in Major 3-4
Free Elective 4
Discovery Course 4
PHYS 797 Senior Design Project 2
Elective in Major 3-4
Elective in Major 3-4
Free Elective 4
Discovery Course 4
 Total Credits129-133

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

 Major Requirements

A student must have a minimum grade of C in each 400- or 500-level courses that are part of the core requirements and an overall grade-point average of 2.33 in these courses in order to continue in the program.

Core Requirements for all tracks:
CHEM 403General Chemistry I4
or CHEM 405 Chemical Principles for Engineers
CS 410PIntroduction to Scientific Programming/Python4
or IAM 550 Introduction to Engineering Computing
MATH 425Calculus I4
MATH 426Calculus II4
Choose one:8-12
MATH 527
MATH 528
Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
and Multidimensional Calculus
or MATH 525
MATH 526
Linearity I
and Linearity II
PHYS 400Physics Seminar I1
PHYS 407General Physics I4
PHYS 408General Physics II4
PHYS 505General Physics III3
PHYS 506General Physics III Laboratory1
PHYS 508Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics4
PHYS 615Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics I4
PHYS 616Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Physics II4
PHYS 703Electricity and Magnetism I4
PHYS 797
Senior Design Project
Additional courses for Aerospace Track
ECE 541Electric Circuits4
ECE 548Electronic Design I4
ECE 651Electronic Design II4
ME 608Fluid Dynamics3
ME 743Satellite Systems, Dynamics, and Control3-4
or PHYS 712 Space Plasma Physics
Electives in major: choose four from the following
ME 441
Introduction to Engineering Design and Solid Modeling
ME 603
Heat Transfer
ME 646
Experimental Measurement and Data Analysis
ME 670
Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Control
ME 705
Thermal System Analysis and Design
ME 707
Analytical Fluid Dynamics
ME 743
Satellite Systems, Dynamics, and Control
ME 747
Experimental Measurement and Modeling of Complex Systems
ME 786
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
PHYS 708
PHYS 712
Space Plasma Physics
Additional Courses for the Engineering Research track
ECE 541Electric Circuits4
ECE 543Introduction to Digital Systems4
ECE 548Electronic Design I4
ECE 651Electronic Design II4
PHYS 704Electricity and Magnetism II4
or PHYS 708 Optics
Electives in major: choose four from the following12
CS 750
Machine Learning
ECE 633
Signals and Systems I
ECE 634
Signals and Systems II
ECE 647
Random Processes and Signals in Engineering
MATH 644
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
ME 441
Introduction to Engineering Design and Solid Modeling
ME 561
Introduction to Materials Science
ME 608
Fluid Dynamics
ME 670
Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Control
ME 706
Renewable Energy: Physical and Engineering Principles
ME 712
Waves in Fluids
ME 743
Satellite Systems, Dynamics, and Control
PHYS 701
Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 702
Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 704
Electricity and Magnetism II
PHYS 705
Experimental Physics II
PHYS 708

Students are expected to achieve the outcomes below upon graduation.

  • Students will master the fundamentals of a broad set of physics subjects (e.g., mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, optics).
  • Students will have a solid understanding of mathematics (e.g., calculus, differential equations, linear algebra).
  • Students will be able to solve physics and engineering problems using computational methods.
  • Students will have excellent knowledge of the principles and practice of their chosen engineering disciplines. 
  • Students will be able to use physical principles to design systems, apparatuses, experiments or models; collect and analyze data; and develop conclusions.
  • Students will be able to identify and solve complex engineering and physics problems by applying physical principles and mathematical tools.
  • Students will be able to communicate technical content effectively to a range of audiences. 

Explore Program Details


  1. Satisfy the requirements of the Discovery Program.
  2. Satisfy the Writing Requirements. This requirement includes four courses. A list of approved writing-intensive courses appears on the web.
  3. Satisfy the Bachelor of Science Requirements: a minimum of 128 credits at the 400-799 level and at a GPA of at least 2.00.
  4. Minimum Engineering Physics requirements:
    1. Choose an (acredited) BSEP track: Aerospace Track, Materials Science Track, or Engineering Research Track.
    2. PHYS 407, 408 (General Physics I, II). PHYS 407H & MATH 425H (Honors Studio Calc/Phys) have to be taken together, same for PHYS 408H & MATH 426H. Honors Studio Calc/Phys is recommended for all Physics students.
    3. CHEM 403 or CHEM 405. (Note: to take CHEM 405, a student must have taken chemistry in high school.)
    4. Required math courses include Math 425, 426 (Calculus I, II) and 527 (Diff. Eqs.) and 528 (Multi-D Calc.). Math 525/526 (Linearity I, II) may replace MATH 527/528.
    5. A capstone experience is required of all BSEP students during their senior year. A design project is central to the capstone experience. If a project involves research, it must also lead to a design effort.
  5. A student must have a minimum grade of C in each 400- or 500-level course in items 4.1 through 4.4 and an overall grade-point average of 2.33 in these courses in order to continue in the BSEP program.

BSEP — Aerospace Track

Year Fall Semester Spring Semester
Year 1 ENGL 401 - First-Year Writing
ME 441 - Intro to Engineering Design/ Solid Modeling
PHYS 400 - Freshman Seminar
PHYS 407H - General Physics I
MATH 425H - Calculus I
CHEM 405 - Chemical Principles for Engineers
MATH 426H - Calculus II 
PHYS 408H - General Physics I 
IAM 550 - Intro to Engineering and Computing 
Year 2 Discovery Elective
PHYS 508 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mech.
MATH 528 - Multi-Dimensional Calculus
PHYS 505 - General Physics III
PHYS 506 - General Physics III Lab
Discovery Elective
Discovery Elective
MATH 527 - Differential Equations
PHYS 615 - Classical Mechanics and Math Physics I
Year 3 Discovery Elective
ME 608 - Fluid Dynamics
ECE 541 - Electric Circuits
PHYS 616 - Classical Mechanics/Math Physics II
Discovery Elective
ECE 548 - Electronic Design
PHYS 703 - Electricity and Magnetism
ME 670 - Systems Modeling, Simulation and Control
Year 4 Discovery Elective
ECE 651 - Electronic Design II
PHYS 708 - Optics
PHYS 797 - Senior Design Capstone Project 
Discovery Elective
ME 743 - Satellite Systems, Dynamics and Controls
PHYS 712 - Space Plasma Physics
PHYS 797 - Senior Design Project

BSEP — Materials Science Track

Year Fall Semester Spring Semester
Year 1

ENGL 401 - First-Year Writing
MATH 425H - Calculus I
CHEM 405 - Chemical Principles for Engineers
PHYS 407H - General Physics I
PHYS 400 - Freshman Seminar 

Discovery Elective
MATH 426H - Calculus II
PHYS 408H - General Physics II
IAM 550 - Introduction to Engineering Computing   
Year 2 Discovery Elective
PHYS 508 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mech.
MATH 528 - Multi-Dimensional Calculus
PHYS 505 - General Physics III
PHYS 506 - General Physics III Lab 
Discovery Elective
ME 561 - Introduction to Material Science
MATH 527 - Differential Equations
PHYS 615 - Classical Mechanics and Math Physics I
Year 3 Discovery Elective
PHYS 701 - Quantum Mechanics I
ME 761 - Diffraction and Imaging Methods
PHYS 616 - Classical Mechanics and Math Physics II 
Discovery Elective
ME 646 - Experimental Measurement and Data Analysis
PHYS 703 - Electricity and Magnetism I
PHYS 718 - Condensed Matter Physics 
Year 4 Discovery Elective
ECE 541 - Electric Circuits
PHYS 797 - Senior Design Capstone Project
Elective in Major
Elective in Major 
Discovery Elective
ECE 548 - Electronic Design I
PHYS 797 - Senior Design Project
Elective in Major


ME 730 (Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 4 cr), ME 735 (Mechanics of Composite Materials, 4 cr), ME760 (Physical Metallurgy, 4 cr), ME 786 (Introduction to Finite Element Analysis + Lab), ME 795 (Thin Film Science & Technology, ME 795 (Fracture and Fatigue of Engineering Material), ME 795 (Physical Metallurgy of Automotive and Aerospace Materials + Lab), or ME 795 (Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Materials I, 3 cr)

BSEP — Engineering Research Track

Year Fall Semester Spring Semester
Year 1 Discovery Elective
MATH 425H - Calculus I
PHYS 400 - Freshman Seminar
PHYS 407H - General Physics I
CHEM 405 - General Chemistry

ENGL 401 - Freshman English
MATH 426H-  Calculus II
PHYS 408H - General Physics I
IAM 550 - Intro to Engineering and Computing 

Year 2

Discovery Elective
MATH 528 - Multi-Dimensional Calculus 
PHYS 505 - General Physics III
PHYS 506 - General Physics III Lab
ECE 541 - Electric Circuits 

Discovery Elective
MATH 527 - Differential Equations
ECE 548 - Electronic Design I
PHYS 615 - Classical Mechanics & Math Physics I 

Year 3

Discovery Elective
PHYS 616 - Classical Mechanics & Math Physics II
ECE 651 - Electronic Design II
PHYS 508 - Thermodynamics 

Discovery Elective
PHYS 703 - Electricity & Magnetism I
ECE 543 - Introduction to Digital Systems
Elective in Major

Year 4

Discovery Elective
PHYS 797 - Senior Design Project I
ECE 633 - Signals and Systems I
PHYS 704 - Electricity and Magnetism II OR
PHYS 708 - Optics
Elective in Major

Discovery Elective
PHYS 797- Senior Design Project II
ECE 647 - Random Processes and Signals in Engineering
ME 608 - Fluid Dynamics
Elective in Major


ECE 634 (Signals and Systems II), MS 762 (Electronic Materials Science), ME 561 (Introduction to Materials Science), ME 670 (Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Control), ME 706 (Renewable Energy: Physical and Engineering Principles), ME 712 (Waves in Fluids), ME 743 (Satellite Systems, Dynamics, and Control), and ME 770 (Design with Microprocessors)

Educational Objectives

  1. To be highly skilled, interdisciplinary professionals who can identify and solve engineering problems from unusually broad physical perspectives.
  2. To be able to use engineering and communications skills in other areas such as research, consulting, law, medicine, business, public policy, etc.
  3. To engage vigorously in further studies in interdisciplinary graduate programs and a wide variety of other lifelong learning opportunities.
  4. To pursue careers that incorporate ethical and professional responsibility, as well as good citizenship.

Student Outcomes

The Student Outcomes consist of the ABET general requirements for all engineering programs. Students are expected to achieve the outcomes below upon graduation.

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Those interested in the Engineering Physics major may also be interested in the following advanced degrees. Students in the program also have the opportunity to participate in the UNH accelerated master’s program.

Physics M.S.

Physics Ph.D.

Take the Next Step

undergraduate student in front of campus building
Students on the lawn at Thompson Hall
student at career event