
Chemistry Stockroom


Chemistry Stockroom

Open year-round for UNH students, faculty and staff. Closed only on official UNH holidays.

Chemistry Stockroom

Bob Chemistry Library


chemistry library

The Chemistry Library is located in the Iddles Wing of Parsons Hall, room N109.

Chemistry Library

UIC Instruments



Department Instrumentation
Instruments may have been purchased by the department, typically to be used for both teaching and routine research applications. The division that uses the instrument for teaching purposes is in charge. A faculty member in that division should be contacted by potential users.




unh chemical hygiene plan

The Chemical Hygiene Plan should not be considered the only reference for health and safety concerns. However, this document does provide a compilation of suggested work practices, protocols and systems to work safely in University of New Hampshire laboratories.

UNH Chemical Hygiene Plan

Quick reference image for aesthetic purposes only


Parsons Hall Quick Reference Evacuation Plan

This document lays out the evacuation procedures in the event of an emergeny taking place in Parsons Hall. 

Quick reference evacuation Plan

UNH Wildcat Resources image


 UNH Student Life and the entire UNH Community are here to support you as you navigate remote learning, winter break, and the transition to the Spring Semester. 

Here you’ll find brief descriptions of on-campus and student life services, as well as 24-hour and emergency resources.

Wildcat Wellness Resources

Employee Resources image


This brief guide includes effective and evidence-based strategies to address burnout and compassion fatigue, as well as brief descriptions of the on- and off-campus services and emergency resources available to UNH faculty and staff to support you.

Employee Wellness Resources

how to properly clamp hoses to prevent floods