
Undergraduate Research

Explore the Department of Chemistry

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at the University of New Hampshire.  We are dedicated to chemistry research and education at all levels.  We have a long, proud tradition of providing a challenging and nurturing environment for our students.


Congratulations, Prof. Nathan Oldenhuis!

We are pleased to share that Assistant Professor Nate Oldenhuis has received the National Institutes of Health R35 Maximizing Investigators' Research Award! His project is entitled: Using DNA hydrogels to mimic, exploit, and fundamentally investigate extracellular matrices. His research program aims to demonstrate the broad utility of DNA-based hydrogels as ECM mimics applications in regenerative medicine and fundamental studies of biophysics. These hydrogels have the potential to revolutionize other fields, from tissue engineering to drug delivery, biosensing, and beyond. It is a rare accomplishment to win an NIH award and an NSF CAREER Award in such a short span of time. Bravo, Prof. Oldenhuis!

Nate Oldenhuis

2024 Chemistry Poster Session and Awards Ceremony

  • Anthony Milani presenting research at the 2024 poster session

    Anthony Milani presenting research at the 2024 poster session. 

  • Andrew Jenkins and Chris Bauer at the 2024 poster session

    Andrew Jenkins and Prof. Chris Bauer at the 2024 poster session. 

  • Nick Mixon and Anthony Milani at the 2024 Poster session

    Nick Mixon and Anthony Milani at the 2024 poster session. 

  • Meaghan Penrice and Ian Konen at the 2024 poster session

    Meaghan Penrice and Prof. Ian Konen at the 2024 poster session.

  • Hands holding awards brochures
  • Erik Berda at the Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Erik Berda at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Tom DiPhilippo and Richard Johnson at the Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Richard Johnson presenting the Bailey Prize to Tom DiPhilippo at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Christine Caputo and Matt Huebner at the Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Christine Caputo presenting the Mr. and Mrs. S. Morris Locke Award to Matt Huebner at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Brittany White-Mathieu and Kylie Armor at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Brittany White-Mathieu presenting the Lucinda P. & Melvin Smith Scholarship to Kylie Armor at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Stacey Hughes and Tim Murphy at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Stacey Hughes presenting The Herman Fogg Fellowship to Tim Murphy at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Aylin Aykanat and Anthony Traficante at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Aylin Aykanat presenting the Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence Award to Anthony Traficante at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Roy Planalp and Tyler Brock at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Roy Planalp presenting the Helmut  M. Haendler Award to Tyler Brock at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Prof. Stacey Hughes and Meaghan Penrice at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Stacey Hughes presenting the Raymond B. Seymour Award to Meaghan Penrice at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Prof. Brittany White-Mathieu, Elisabeth Gotschlich, Nick Mixon and Connor Foley at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Brittany White-Mathieu presenting the Robert T. Hart Scholarship to Elisabeth Gotschlich, Nick Mixon and Connor Foley at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Roy Planalp and Tyler Brock at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Roy Planalp presents the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Award to Tyler Brock at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Christopher Bauer and Phoebe Nitchals at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Christopher Bauer presents the ACS Hach Award to Phoebe Nitchals at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Ian Veer and Anyin Li at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Anyin Li presenting the CRC Press Chemistry Achievement Award to Ian Veer at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Erik Berda and Muriel Lubelczyk at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Erik Berda presenting The Kenneth K. Andersen Award to Muriel Lubelczyk at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Matt Currier, Pat Strobel, Shaina Hughes and Chuck Zercher at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Chuck Zercher presenting the Pratt-Diniak Fellowship to Matt Currier, Pat Strobel and Shaina Hughes at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Roy Planalp and Emily Andrews at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Roy Planalp presenting the Alvin R. Ingram Graduate Fellowship to Emily Andrews at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Christine Caputo and CJ Wilson at the Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Christine Caputo presenting The Rudi Seitz Award to CJ Wilson at the Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Kathy Winans and Henry Roell at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Kathy Winans presenting The Sterling Tomellini Award to Henry Roell at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Glen Miller and Qian Liu at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Glen Miller presenting the Craig A. West Memorial Award to Qian Liu at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Gonghu Li and Mahalakshmi Thiyagarajan at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Gonghu Li presenting The Clarence L. and Helen M. Garland Grant Fellowship to Mahalakshmi Thiyagarajan at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Matt Currier and Nate Oldenhuis at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Nate Oldenhuis presenting the LaMattina Family Graduate Organic Chemistry Research Fellowship to Matt Currier at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Glen Miller and Nayanthara Krishnan at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Glen Miller presenting The Gail Lambert-Edwards PhD Memorial Chemistry Fellowship to Nayanthara Krishnan at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Christine Caputo and Nathan Bartlett at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Christine Caputo presenting The George E. and Jeanette L. Lambert Chemistry Fellowship to Nathan Bartlett at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Glen Miller, Qian Liu, Fran Gomez, Zahraa Albeshir, Sarah Bramlitt Harris, Yingling Lai and Patrick Strobel at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Glen Miller presenting The Herbert A. Scruton Scholarship to Qian Liu, Fran Gomez, Zahraa Albeshir, Sarah Bramlitt Harris, Yingling Lai and Patrick Strobel at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Nate Oldenhuis and Shaina Hughes at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Nate Oldenhuis presenting The Dennis Chasteen Graduate Summer Fellowship to Shaina Hughes at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Wynter Paiva, Nate Oldenhuis, Anyin Li and Ian Ferraro at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Nate Oldenhuis and Anyin Li presenting The David A. Walsh Graduate Chemistry Award to Wynter Paiva and Ian Ferraro at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Nate Oldenhuis, Lola Fadairo, Tran Truong Katie Facteau & Son Nguyen at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Nate Oldenhuis presenting The Vaughan Excellence in Chemistry Award to Lola Fadairo, Tran Truong Katie Facteau & Son Nguyen at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Gonghu Li, Emily Andrews and Allison St. John at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Gonghu Li presenting The Ed '83 & Karri '84 Olefirowicz Award to Emily Andrews and Allison St. John at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Anyin Li and Nathan Bartlett at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Anyin Li presenting The David W. & Marion S. Ellis Fellowship to Nathan Bartlett at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

  • Christine Caputo and Yibo Zhang at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony

    Prof. Christine Caputo presenting The Peter G. Markos Chemistry Endowment Award to Yibo Zhang at the 2024 Chemistry Awards Ceremony. 

Current UNH Chemistry students talk about their experiences:


Tim Murphy speaks about his favorite parts of being a chemistry student at UNH!

CJ Wilson is a Ph.D. student studying here in the Chemistry Department. His research includes combating climate change with hybrid photocatalytic systems and electrocatalytic systems that turn elements such as sunlight or CO2 into clean fuel.

Upcoming Events

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  • aylin_aykanat
    Dr. Aylin Aykanat has been working in the Chemistry Department for the past few years as a Postdoctoral Diversity and Innovation Scholar. We are so happy to announce that she has now been hired on as our newest Assistant Professor! Prof. Aykanat studies…
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  • Nate Oldenhuis
    Congratulations to UNH Assistant Professor of Chemistry Nate Oldenhuis on his National Science Foundation CAREER Award! His research project is entitled "Sustainable DNA Hydrogel Production via Bioreactor-Derived Plasmid DNA". Read on for a description of the project.  Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, exhibits unique properties extending beyond its central role as…
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  • Li Group with Lonza
    Chemistry graduate student Ian Ferraro (Anyin Li Group) working with collaborators Nancy Fernandes and Roger Connolly from Lonza Biologics on the analysis of therapeutic proteins using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
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  • Erik Berda and Chris Bauer
    Chemistry Professor Chris Bauer is the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Professor Award! His dedication to serving chemistry and education extends well beyond UNH, and has been especially impactful here in New Hampshire. After more than four decades of service at the University of New Hampshire, Chris remains among the most effective, energetic and productive Chemistry…
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  • Nottingham Lab Activity
    In January the Chemistry Department hosted some wonderful middle schoolers from Nottingham School! They visited us to learn about chemistry and what we do in the department. We are so happy to be able to reach out to young students in our community. Who knows, maybe they'll be studying with us in a few years! 
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Recent Stories

Marian McCord, Byron Kennedy and Steven Camilleri in the Olson Center

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UNH Becomes Home to First U.S. Location for Global Innovator in Metal 3D Printing

Australian company SPEE3D co-locates at the Olson Center

Summer photo of Thompson Hall

Two CEPS Professors Honored With NSF CAREER Awards

Two CEPS Professors Honored With NSF CAREER Awards

Nate Oldenhuis, Nathan Laxague recognized

A headshot of Charles Wilson

Grad Student Receives Prestigious Department of Energy Graduate Research Award

Grad Student Receives Prestigious Department of Energy Graduate Research Award

Chemistry Ph.D. candidate Charles Wilson funded to study at Brookhaven National Lab

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