Applied Mathematics (B.S.)

Applied Mathematics (B.S.)
Mathematics major student doing math in classroom

The Applied Mathematics degree at UNH offers a dynamic blend of theoretical rigor, practical application, and computational models. Here, you’ll dive into a curriculum designed to equip you with advanced mathematical techniques and methodologies crucial for solving real-world problems across various industries. The program also prepares you for graduate study in Applied Mathematics and related areas. With hands-on experience, personalized mentorship from esteemed faculty, and a history of students winning national fellowships, you'll develop the critical thinking skills and analytical prowess to excel in careers including finance, data analysis, engineering, programming, and more.

What is the bachelor of science degree in applied mathematics?

The applied mathematics degree program combines a strong foundation in mathematics with broad exposure to both theoretical and computational models of physical systems in the natural and social sciences. Students are prepared for a wide range of careers or graduate study in applied mathematics or a related field.

Why study applied mathematics at UNH?

You will work alongside accomplished mathematicians, statisticians and mathematics educators who are professionally active. Upper-level mathematics classes tend to be small, so you’ll enjoy close connections to professors as they delve into the intricacies of advanced ideas. An accelerated master’s program is available in applied mathematics,allowing students to complete their master’s degree early. This department has produced many winners of the prestigious Department of Defense SMART Scholarship.

Potential careers

  • Budget analyst
  • Computational scientist
  • Economist
  • Financial services/actuary
  • Mathematician/statistician (government/research/academia)
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Programmer
  • Quantitative specialist in business or industry
  • Software developer
  • Teacher/educator/curriculum supervisor
  • Mathematcs students working on math problems in the Mathematics Assistance Center
    Free Math Tutoring Offered to All UNH Students
    The Mathematics Assistance Center (MaC) offers free tutoring to all UNH students and also has paid position for student tutors.
    Learn More
  • UNH Applied Mathematics student Dasha Piotrowski
    Meet a Wildcat: Applied Mathematics
    Dasha Piotrowski is a senior applied mathematics major here at the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Read more to learn about why she loves being a student in her department.
    Learn More
  • Applied Mathematics major student Ella Lowenberg
    Meet a Wildcat in Applied Mathematics
    Ella Lowenberg discusses her favorite things about attending the University of New Hampshire as an applied mathematics student and advice for those considering UNH.
    Learn More

Curriculum & Requirements

This degree prepares students for careers in science, engineering, and industry by giving students broad exposure to both theoretical and computational models of physical systems in the physical, natural, and social sciences.

Sample Degree Plan

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
MATH 425 Calculus I 4
CS 415 Introduction to Computer Science I 4
Discovery Course 4
Inquiry Course 4
MATH 400 Freshman Seminar 1
MATH 426 Calculus II 4
MATH 445
or IAM 550
Mathematics and Applications with MATLAB
or Introduction to Engineering Computing
CS 416 Introduction to Computer Science II 4
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
Second Year
MATH 527 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
PHYS 407 General Physics I 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
MATH 528 Multidimensional Calculus 4
MATH 531 Mathematical Proof 4
PHYS 408 General Physics II 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
MATH 545
or MATH 645
Introduction to Linear Algebra
or Linear Algebra for Applications
MATH 644 Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 4
MATH 753 Introduction to Numerical Methods I 4
Discovery Course 4
MATH 757 Mathematical Optimization for Applications 4
CEPS 700-level elective 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective 4
Fourth Year
MATH 745 Foundations of Applied Mathematics I 4
Writing Intensive Course 4
Elective 4
Elective 4
MATH 647
or MATH 788
Complex Analysis for Applications
or Complex Analysis
MATH 797
or MATH 798
or MATH 799
Senior Seminar
or Senior Project
or Senior Thesis
Writing Intensive Course 4
Elective 4
 Total Credits129

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

In all courses used to satisfy the requirements for its major programs, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics requires that a student earn a grade of C- or better and have an overall grade-point average of at least 2.00 in these courses.

Required Courses
MATH 425Calculus I4
MATH 426Calculus II4
MATH 445Mathematics and Applications with MATLAB4
or IAM 550 Introduction to Engineering Computing
MATH 527Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 14
MATH 528Multidimensional Calculus 14
MATH 531Mathematical Proof4
MATH 545Introduction to Linear Algebra 24
or MATH 645 Linear Algebra for Applications
MATH 644Statistics for Engineers and Scientists4
MATH 647Complex Analysis for Applications4
or MATH 788 Complex Analysis
MATH 745Foundations of Applied Mathematics I4
MATH 753Introduction to Numerical Methods I4
MATH 757Mathematical Optimization for Applications4
PHYS 407General Physics I4
PHYS 408General Physics II4
CS 415
CS 416
Introduction to Computer Science I
and Introduction to Computer Science II
Select one course from the following:4
MATH 797
Senior Seminar
MATH 798
Senior Project
MATH 799
Senior Thesis
Select one (1) approved 700-level CEPS course in consultation with academic advisor4
Select two courses from the following:8
MATH #746
Foundations of Applied Mathematics II
MATH 747
Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 767
One-Dimensional Real Analysis
Total Credits80

The full Linearity sequence, MATH 525 & MATH 526, may be used to replace the MATH 527, MATH 528, and MATH 545 / MATH 645 requirements.


MATH 525 may be used to replace the MATH 545 or MATH 645 requirement.

  • Students recognize common mathematical notations and operations used in mathematics, science and engineering.
  • Students can recognize and classify a variety of mathematical models including differential equations, linear and nonlinear systems of algebraic equations, and common probability distributions.
  • Students have developed a working knowledge (including notation, terminology, foundational principles of the discipline, and standard mathematical models within the discipline) in at least one discipline outside of mathematics.
  • Students are able to extract useful knowledge, both quantitative and qualitative, from mathematical models and can apply that knowledge to the relevant discipline.

Explore Program Details

Those interested in the Applied Mathematics major may also be interested in the following advanced degrees. Students in the program also have the opportunity to participate in the UNH accelerated master’s program.

Applied Mathematics M.S.

Mathematics M.S.

Mathematics M.S.T.

Statistics M.S.

Mathematics Ph.D.

Mathematics Education Ph.D.

Statistics Ph.D.

Integrated Applied Mathematics Ph.D.

Take the Next Step

undergraduate student in front of campus building
Students on the lawn at Thompson Hall
student at career event