Ashley Baker

Mathematics student takes her passion for teaching to the classroom
mathematics education student Ashley Baker headshot

Ashley Baker, who completed her undergraduate degree in Mathematics at UNH, is now completing her internship in a high school classroom in the area as she completes her accelerated master's program. Below, she speaks about her decision to pursue teaching and the benefits of being a student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UNH.

Why did you decide you wanted to teach high school mathematics? 

In high school, I realized that teachers had a huge impact on how I viewed myself as a student and person; their support and care pushed me to do good in any of my classes and take responsibility for my education. With math being one of my favorite subjects, I decided that I wanted to make an impact on these crucial years for students by teaching mathematics, and encouraging them the way my teachers encouraged me.

Why did you choose UNH for your graduate program? 

UNH provided me with multiple pathways and opportunities to reach my academic and career goals during my undergraduate years. Staying with UNH for my graduate program meant I could do the accelerated master's program, and I felt prepared to keep going with my education with the support I had received previously here. 

How has your degree program prepared you to be a math teacher?

Getting my bachelor's in mathematics B.A. allowed me to receive the rigorous, higher level math education, but also gave me flexibility to choose Education courses to fulfill a minor, dual-credit courses, and prepare me for my internship year in a high school math classroom. The Math Education Department provided various math education courses that dug deeper into the math and skills needed to teach at the secondary level. 

What do you enjoy most about your experience at UNH? 

I truly love the area around the Durham campus. Fall up here is one of my favorite seasons, and I've enjoyed exploring places in nearby towns, like Portsmouth and Kittery! There is always something to do, and making plans with friends for the weekends has been one of my favorite things about being here at school! I also know I can find things to do around campus, such as sports events or activities happening in the MUB. Some of my favorite coffee shops are right on Main St in Durham. 

What do you hope to do after your time at UNH? 

After my graduate program, I plan to get certified in NH/ME for secondary, 7th - 12th grade, mathematics. I hope to stay close to the seacoast area! I also was given the opportunity to be a part of a scholarship program this year that allowed me to be a part of a community of well-trained STEM teachers, and will be completing my first two years of teaching in a high needs district. 

What is your advice to someone preparing to teach Mathematics?

For advice, I would say that knowing the different pathways that can be taken into getting ready to teach mathematics is one of the most important starting points to becoming a teacher. I wish I had known sooner of all my options, and being able to choose which one was best for me helped guide my course selections, financial planning, and feel most prepared for life after graduation. Since I was only doing pure math courses with barely any education courses under my belt, I had someone sit down with me and discuss my different options/paths with course requirements and internships for certification, which I wrote all on a notecard and kept with me religiously until I graduated!