Mission of the Board

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Industrial Advisory Board (ECE-IAB) was founded in the 1987.
The mission of the ECE Industrial Advisory Board is to:
- Advise the ECE Department chair and faculty on strategic matters that can enhance their teaching, research, and service missions.
- Serve as an advocacy group for the Department with the University administration, the State of New Hampshire, and other entities that can provide resources to help improve the department.
- Help the Department increase its relations with industry and alumni.
Industrial Advisory Board Bylaws
All ECE students are provided board members emails in the ECE Canvas page.
Board Members
- Robert Alongi- Business Manager, IEEE-Boston Section
- Prescott Atkinson- Signal Integrity Engineer, Amphenol TCS
- Lee Beauregard- Manager, Electrical Engineering, IDEXX Laboratories
- Drew Boudreau- Principal Systems Engineer, ESEG, Trident Systems, Inc.
- Joseph Burke- Manager Research & Technology, Watts Water, Corp.
- John Canfield- Design Engineer, Analog Devices
- Norman Carignan- Electrical Technology Department Chair, Manchester Community College
- Marc Cartier- Amphenol TCS
- Kevin Culhane- APP-BMC AEO Product Engineering Branch Manager, Texas Instruments
- Charles Cyr- Lead Electrical Engineer, CUSA Consulting LLC
- Michael Doogue- Business Unit Director – Linear and Current Sensors, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
- Justin Eisfeller- Vice President, Information Technology, Unitil
- Robert Gendron, P.E.- Vice President of Marketing and Business, Vicor Corporation
- James Glynn- Vice President, Marine Systems Enterprise, Physical Sciences, Inc.
- Michael Granieri- President/Chief Technology Officer, MNG Technology Enterprises
- Cyndee Gruden- Dean of CEPS, UNH
- Ali Hammoodi- Signal Integrity Engineer, Amphenol
- Elaine Hobbs- Controller, HMS Industrial Networks Inc.
- Mark Hughes- Program Director, Raytheon-Rafael Area Protection Systems
- Lincoln Lavoie- Principal Engineer, UNH InterOperability Laboratory
- Len Long- LenLong and Associates
- Kevin Major- Principal Electrical Engineer, Raytheon Technologies
- Benjamin McMahon- Technology Development Manager, BAE Systems FAST Labs
- Joshua Pearl- Founder, Performance Dyno LLC
- Doug Pope- President, Pope Energy
- John Prokopik- Director, US Defense Hardware Discipline, BAE Systems
- James Randall- Randall Consulting
- Gerald Scala- Principal Engineer II-Controls, Osram Sylvania
- Kevin Sprague- Director, Engineering, Unitil
- Mark Thurston- President, CUSA Consulting LLC
- Erich Whitney- Principal FPGA Design Engineer, Haigh-Farr, Inc
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Student Advisory Board (ECE-SAB) was founded on April 2001.
The mission of the ECE-SAB is to provide an organized forum for interaction between undergraduate students and the faculty. Its principal function is to provide education assessment of our EE and CE programs and to identify needs within the ECE Department. Examples of the ECE-SAB function are but not limited to:
- Assessing the delivery of our undergraduate curriculum and services
- Discussing student issues
- Identifying areas where improvements may be warranted
- Obtaining rapid feedback about the impact of implemented changes
The ECE-SAB will consist of two representatives from each major, including the biomedical engineering option, class, the ECE Chair, and Undergraduate Committee chair. The ECE-SAB meets at least twice a year and the members have the opportunity to meet with the ECE Industrial Advisory Board. The minutes of the ECE-SAB meetings are maintained in the department and are available for review and are shared with the appropriate faculty committees.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Board (ECE-SAB) was founded on February 2022.
The mission of the ECE-GSAB is to provide an organized forum for interaction between graduate students and the faculty. Its principal function is to provide education assessment of our graduate programs and to identify needs within the ECE Department. Examples of the ECE-GSAB function are but not limited to:
- Assessing the delivery of our graduate curriculum and services
- Discussing graduate student issues
- Identifying areas where improvements may be warranted
- Obtaining rapid feedback about the impact of implemented changes
The ECE-GSAB consist of representatives from each degree, and the ECE Chair, and Graduate Committee Chair. The ECE-GSAB meets at least twice a year and the members have the opportunity to meet with the ECE Industrial Advisory Board. The minutes of the ECE-GSAB meetings are maintained in the department and are available for review, and are shared with the appropriate faculty committees.