
The mission of the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Department is fourfold:

  • To provide educational programs in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and related fields at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels of high quality and sufficient breadth and depth to serve industry, government and academic institutions of our State and Nation.
  • To advance knowledge through research and scholarship and apply that knowledge in areas relevant to our State and Nation in order to meet the demands of the information age and global competition.
  • To serve the State and Nation by making available the accumulated expertise, knowledge and experience of the faculty to industry and government.
  • To continually assess our programs to ensure market needs are met and to develop strategies to optimize student retention.
2019 Commencement

The EE and CE programs provide a firm foundation in fundamentals and expose students to current technologies for design and implementation. They strive for a balance between theory, laboratory and design experience. Furthermore, the programs foster teamwork and project management skills.

The graduate ECE program offers studies leading to the degrees of Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a Biomedical Engineering Option, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering. All graduate students are expected to participate in research activities as an integral portion of their graduate education. Creative research/scholarship is an integral part of the ECE Department’s mission. The importance of research is equal and complementary to the function of teaching. Externally supported research and equipment funding are necessary means for supporting ECE research endeavors, and therefore, success in obtaining external research and equipment grants is essential.

The Department conducts periodic reviews and adjustments to meet the current and projected needs of the State and Nation according to its mission objectives.