Student Enrollment

The tables below will show all undergraduate and graduate programs data. For more information for UNH student data please go to the UNH Institutional Research and Assessment

Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 44 8
EE 90 12
MENGr 5 3
MS 12 1
PhD 17 4

Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 60 10
EE 79 18
MENGr     5 4
MS 10 1
PhD 21 0

Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 59 9
EE 71 27
MENGr 3 1
MS 8 1
PhD 21 1


Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 47 10
EE 89 39
MENGr 1 4
MS 16 4
PhD 22 4

Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 58 15
EE 117 27
MENGr 10 2
MS 15 5
PhD 15 1

Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 63 12
EE 131 27
MENGr 13 8
MS 19 7
PhD 13 2

Major Enrollments Graduation
CE 81 18
EE 131 21
MENGr 8 3
MS 20 6
PhD 7 1