
Chemical Engineering Student
The Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering currently offers two undergraduate degrees, B.S in Bioengineering and B.S. in Chemical Engineering.
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Undergraduate Research
Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at the University of New Hampshire.  We are dedicated to chemistry research and education at all levels.  We have a long, proud tradition of providing a challenging and nurturing environment for our students.
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Civil and environmental engineering student
As a student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at UNH, you will focus on enhancing the environment, the human condition and the interaction between the two.
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computer science students
The UNH Computer Science curriculum emphasizes the fundamentals. We focus on teaching skills and knowledge that leave our graduates feeling confident in an ever-changing field.
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earth sciences in the field
The Department of Earth Sciences at UNH aims to improve our understanding of the Earth, and the processes that affect it, through excellence in teaching, research, and service.
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electrical and computer engineering student
Explore the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering   The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Hampshire offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Our undergraduate program offers a BS in Electrical Engineering and a BS in Computer Engineering, and offers a degree option where technical elective choices add depth training to the…
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professor teaching math class
The Ph.D. in Integrated Applied Mathematics at UNH equips you with advanced mathematical and computational skills to solve complex problems in science, engineering, and industry. You’ll work with faculty experts in areas like fluid dynamics, numerical methods, and signal processing, applying cutting-edge mathematical tools to real-world challenges. This interdisciplinary program prepares you for…
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Kingsbury Hall
Explore the Materials Science Program The Materials Science Program offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees to qualified students interested in interdisciplinary programs that emphasize the synthesis, characterization and utilization of nanoscale materials.  Students learn about the interplay of structure, processing, characterization, and properties of materials with useful applications. Our faculty…
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mathematics student
Explore the Department of mathematics and statistics. We offer a variety of graduate and undergraduate programs in pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Statistics. Research is conducted in all areas, with over 25 talented and ambitious faculty members. Our courses build a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics for students throughout the University of New…
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mechanical engineering students
Explore the Department of mechanical engineering The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) is one of a handful of Land, Sea and Space Grant Colleges that affords both graduate students and undergraduate students many research opportunities. Our mechanical and ocean engineering students enjoy state-of-the-art lab space, wind tunnels, computer clusters and high tech classrooms. Our…
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Ocean engineering buoy deployment
Explore Ocean Engineering As an Ocean Engineering student at UNH, you'll be immersed in exploration and utilization of the marine environment. You'll study an interdisciplinary field rooted in a variety of engineering and physical science disciplines. Awaiting you is hands-on research in our large research tanks, on our vessels, in our estuaries and on the coastal ocean, using emerging…
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Interstellar mapping and acceleration probe mission
Explore the Department of physics & Astronomy The UNH Department of Physics & Astronomy has about 22 teaching faculty, 25 research faculty and research scientists, 60 undergraduate students and 60 graduate students. It houses state-of-the-art educational and laboratory facilities and is engaged in world-class research in a number of areas. The affiliated UNH Observatory is open to the…
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