UCIRC Mission
UCIRC Research
Research ranges from fundamental science to public policy. Our research portfolio includes:
A risk-based assessment tool for post-flooding open or close decision-making on roadways.
A national study to understand the strength of the relationship between extreme rainfall and flooding and the dependence of this relationship on watershed impervious cover.
State agency decision-making policy on the opening and closing of roadways during freeze-thaw conditions.
The development of a statistical approach to enhance downscaling of climate and weather parameters for New England.
Changing freeze-thaw impacts on low volume roads in seasonal frost areas.
Climate change informed life cycle assessment of pavement infrastructure.
Coastal road infrastructure vulnerability to the effects of sea-level rise, rising groundwater, and the impacts to the unbound layers of coastal roads.
Jo Sias, Professor
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Kingsbury Hall Room W183B
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-3277
Email: jo.sias@unh.edu