
Open to Students Entering Grades 8-10
Week 1: July 8-12, 2024

TechVenturers A. Participants in this program will choose a single, in-depth, weeklong project focused on either bridges/civil engineering or rocketry. All levels of STEM experience are encouraged to apply!

  • Ripping Rocketry Project - In this fast-paced program, students will design, fabricate and test rockets and other air-propelled projectiles! These paper-based pneumatic rockets will be created to complete different missions each day. Some rockets will be used to hit targets, some will be tested on how high they can fly, others on how fast and far they can travel. Students will also explore the history of rocket engineering, as well as the basics of measuring trajectory and accuracy. You'll have a blast learning about rockets!  
Week 2: July 15-19, 2024

TechVenturers B. Participants in this program will choose a single, in-depth, weeklong project focused on either forensic science, RC cars, virtual reality game design. All levels of STEM experience are encouraged to apply!

  • Forensics Project - Welcome detectives! In this program, we have a high-priority case to solve. We’ve compiled what evidence is left from a murder that took place in McDonaldland. The Hamburglar was found dead in his house and we need to find out what happened! We’ll be using techniques such as blood stain analysis, hair fiber analysis, fingerprinting and a little bit of criminal psychology to crack this case!
  • Virtual Reality Game Design Project - Want to change the world? Let’s build one of your very own! Using an online toolkit, students in this program will create games, escape rooms and interactive stories that others can interact with and experience. Participants will learn how to code/create/test virtual worlds and how virtual and augmented reality is being used in the world today.
  • RC Cars Project: Trail to Track - Please refer to the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) page for information about this FREE project (must be a NH resident). 
Week 3: July 22-26, 2024

TechVenturers C. Participants in this program will choose a single, in-depth, weeklong project focused on regenerative medicine, space travel or internet-based smart technology. All levels of STEM experience are encouraged to apply!.

  • Regenerative Medicine: The Planaria Project - Scientists are beginning to understand how to grow parts of the human body by studying organisms that already have this ability, such as the planaria. Planaria are free-living flatworms that can regrow any lost body part. Students in this program will learn about regenerative medicine and planaria through a variety of hands-on activities in the lab. They will also design and perform an experiment that will determine the environmental factors that influence the ability of planaria to regrow missing body parts. Part of a grant-funded workforce development initiative at UNH called NH CREATES, this program is offered at no cost to participants. All levels welcome!
  • Space Camp (But Way Cooler): Mars Edition - Have you ever dreamed of being an astronaut and exploring the red planet? Blast off into a week-long adventure where you'll become a Martian pioneer! Build and launch your own model rockets, learn how astronauts live and work in space and the unique challenges of a world without up or down. Strategize how to land your rover safely and prepare for your first steps on the red planet. Design and construct a habitat suitable for long-term living on Mars and figure out what you'll need to survive and thrive. Throughout the week, you'll meet real scientists and engineers who are working on making the dream of colonizing Mars a reality. You'll participate in hands-on activities, solve problems like a real space explorer and make new friends who share your passion for space. So, are you ready to be a Martian pioneer? Blast off with us and take your first steps towards an out-of-this-world adventure! 

  • The Internet of Things Project - Join the Smart Tech Revolution! Everything seems to be connected by the internet these days—from cars and security cameras to gaming devices and pet trackers—and the technology is evolving at a rapid pace. What makes it all possible? What will our tech-enabled future look like? How can you play a role? In this fast-paced and dynamic program, campers will engage in a wide variety of hands-on activities and games to gain an understanding of smart technology and the computer sensors, software, networking devices and other technologies that are rapidly transforming almost every aspect of human existence. The term "Internet of Things" refers to the network of physical objects connected via the internet and other communication networks that now surround us in daily life.

  • Empowering the Innovators of Tomorrow with Micro:bit, Arduino and Python - This immersive weeklong program hosted by the UNH InterOperability Lab explores the very latest in computer programming and hardware technology. Through a variety of hands-on activities, participants will gain the skills and knowledge needed to program single-board computers such as Arduino, BBC Micro:Bit and Raspberry Pi. They will also be introduced to the basics of the powerful Python programming language and Microsoft MakeCode. Projects include learning how to create a digital painting program, music player and encrypted secret message. Minecraft fans will even learn how to write a Python program to interact with a Minecraft world using a Raspberry Pi. The program also explores how to build the hardware and write the software necessary to create a physical piano and remote-controlled robot, programming both with a controller using MakeCode. Other projects focus on how to use basic electronic components and wire circuits on breadboards.

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Students are welcome to sign up for multiple sessions, however enrollment in sponsored (no cost) projects will be limited to one sponsored project per camper in order to ensure these program spots go to as many students as possible.