
Portsmouth High Biology Students Learn from Harvard Researcher

Tech for Teachers Institute

Portsmouth High School science teacher Liz Hoyt, who attended our Tech for Teachers Institute in 2023, is bringing cutting-edge science to her classroom! On January 20, Dr. Marcela Bolanos, a research assistant from the Harvard-affiliated Srivastava Lab in Cambridge, visited her honors biology classes to share insights on her fascinating work. The lab studies how animals grow, heal, and evolve, using simple marine creatures to uncover the fundamentals of body development and regeneration. Kudos, Liz!


Moultonborough Academy Students Learn About Regenerative Medicine and 3D Bioprinting


Karen McAlpine, a middle school teacher at Moultonborough Academy, was the subject of a great piece in the Laconia Daily Sun on December 14 focused on the new curriculum she has developed around regenerative medicine. A graduate of the Tech for Teachers Institute this past summer, Karen is introducing her students to the extraordinary powers of planaria and sea slugs—both of which can regenerate lost body parts. Her classroom activities are based on lessons she herself learned during her UNH professional development program. 

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Read About Manchester CREATES on UNH Manchester Blog!

Manchester CREATES

UNH Manchester posted a great story on its blog about Manchester CREATES! An expansion of the NH CREATES workforce development initiative launched on the Durham campus three years ago, this program will offer an array of free educational programs focused on regenerative medicine and biotechnology for students and teachers in greater Manchester starting next year. 

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Matt Young Receives NH BioMade Seed Grant


Matt Young, Ph.D., project leader of our molecular dynamics program this summer, was recently named the recipient of an education seed grant from NH BioMade. Young will use these funds to further develop his molecular dynamics curriculum for different grade levels this academic year at New England College, where he is an assistant professor, UNH Manchester and the Seacoast School of Technology. NH BioMade is a program funded by the National Science Foundation to advance New Hampshire's growing biomaterials industry through educational, research and workforce development projects. The goal of the seed grant program is to support the development of curriculum or training for educators in order to better prepare students to enter a career or academic pathway in biomaterials or advanced biomanufacturing. 

McCracken-Barber Named Project Director of Manchester CREATES


Shannon McCracken-Barber has been named project director for Manchester CREATES, an expansion of the NH CREATES workforce development initiative focused on the Manchester region. In this role she will provide overall direction and ongoing operational and administrative support for the program, which is expected to launch in the summer of 2024. A former high school STEAM teacher in Farmington and Tilton, McCracken-Barber attended the UNH Tech for Teachers Institute in 2020 and has taught in related NH CREATES summer programs on the Durham campus ever since. Read full bio.

NH CREATES Featured in UNH Research Review


The new issue of UNH's Spark research review review was just published and features a cover story on scientific discoveries being made by biomedical and bioengineering researchers across the university over the past five years and how they are transforming how a range of complex health conditions—from cancer and chronic wounds to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s—are being diagnosed, treated and prevented. These discoveries, fueled by two major grant-funded initiatives at UNH, are helping accelerate the development of new vaccines, therapies, medical devices and products that are improving human health and well-being worldwide. The story also discusses related workforce development initiatives underway at UNH—NH CREATES and Manchester CREATES included—focused on providing talent for the state’s rapidly growing bioscience industry.

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New Video Provides Overview of NH CREATES Initiative

A new video has just been produced that provides an overview of the NH CREATES workforce development initiative through interviews with key organizers, administrators, and participants. Among those included are Carmela Amato-Wierda, Director of UNH Tech Camp & Tech for Teachers Institute; Cyndee Gruden, Dean of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences; Kelley Thomas, Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences; Julie Lenzer, Chief Innovation Officer ar the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI); and Anika Vittands, science teacher at the Cooperative Middle School who attended the Tech for Teachers Institute in 2022.

NH CREATES part of Coalition to Receive $44M Grant


We’re excited to announce that Tech Camp is part of a coalition led by the City of Manchester to be awarded $44M from the U.S. Economic Development Administration as part of the Build Back Better Regional Challenge! The grant money will be used to create a biofabrication cluster in the Manchester Millyards. Our focus will be on workforce development, offering summer programs for students and teachers on the UNH Manchester campus. 

NH Business Review Runs Feature on Tech Camp & NH CREATES


(8/26/22) Since 2007, the University of New Hampshire has been working toward bridging the gap between education and workforce development through a program called UNH Tech Camp.

Every summer, middle and high school students visit the UNH campus in Durham to collaborate with one another through activities focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Under the UNH Tech Camp umbrella, students can take part in such programs as Techsplorers for grades 5-8, Techventurers for grades 7-10, Techleaders for grades 10-12, the Dinah Whipple STEAM Academy. In addition, there’s Tech for Teachers, for K-12 teachers.

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Senator Shaheen Visits Tech Camp


On July 29, 2022, NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen stopped by Tech Camp to learn more about NH CREATES, our workforce development initiative focused on regenerative medicine and biofabrication. The senator, a big advocate for STEM education, spent two hours touring our labs and engaging with students and faculty; she also spent time with participants in our Tech for Teachers Institute.

Tech Camp Goes to NIH Conference in Washington


The Tech Camp team enjoyed a whirlwind trip to Washington, DC, in early June 2022 where they attended the NIH SciEd 2022 Annual Conference. This was a great opportunity to meet and learn from other Science Education Partnership Award recipients and share information on the NH CREATES initiative at UNH and the great work being done to build a skilled workforce focused on regenerative medicine and biofabrication.

Learning to Regrow Lost Body Parts

Tech Camp

This summer, middle and high school students attending UNH Tech Camp will have the unique opportunity to learn about regrowing lost body parts, freezing and storing cells, 3D bioprinting and molecular visualization – cutting-edge topics you aren’t likely to find at many other summer STEM programs.

Thanks to a five-year, $1.2 million grant awarded to UNH Tech Camp by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (through its Science Education Partnership Award program), the popular summer youth program has expanded its already eclectic curriculum to include these and other subjects related to regenerative medicine and biofabrication. The new programs are being offered at no cost to participants and students of all STEM skill levels are welcome to attend.

“The goal is to educate middle and high school students and teachers about regenerative medicine and biofabrication  and raise awareness around career opportunities that exist in these emerging industries,” says Carmela Amato-Wierda, associate professor of materials science and faculty director of Tech Camp. “The intention is to cultivate excitement and expertise that will help address future workforce needs in New Hampshire.”

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Farmington Students Explore Possible Role of Spinach in Regenerating Human Heart Tissue


Students in Shannon McCracken-Barber’s Introduction to STEAM class at Farmington Senior High School engaged in a unique project this fall that simulates groundbreaking research focused on the use of spinach leaves in regenerating human heart tissue. The class, which includes a cross-section of students from grades 9-12 and all levels of science experience, has embraced the challenge with great enthusiasm.

McCracken-Barber calls the spinach project “Vascular Vexation” and modeled it on research she herself studied this past summer at the UNH Tech for Teachers Institute, a professional development program for middle and high school instructors focused on building knowledge in both emerging technologies and project-based learning. This past summer’s program was focused on regenerative medicine and biofabrication, industries that are rapidly growing in New Hampshire and beyond.

Taking place over a number of weeks, McCracken-Barber says her spinach project involves the decellularization of spinach leaves, which transforms them into a veiny framework similar to the natural circulatory system found in humans, one that is ideal for supplying oxygen and nutrients to heart cells. The leaves will then be symbolically recellularized with engineered E. coli that has been colored with a plasmid to demonstrate that new types of cells can be regrown on the spinach framework. This process mimics what would be done in a professional lab.

“This is cutting-edge science that I’m tailoring to fit my class,” says McCracken-Barber.  “In the end, the experiments may not be 100 percent successful, but learning to keep a growth mindset and learning from our failures is of huge importance. Just by being actively involved in the process, my students are learning about new areas of science that they can potentially study and job opportunities that they never even knew existed.”

This line of thinking is in perfect alignment with a new workforce development initiative based at UNH focused on cultivating interest and expertise in regenerative medicine and biotechnology and improving overall STEM literacy among middle and high school students. This initiative, called NH CREATES the Future: the NH Collaborative for Regenerative Medicine Education and Training for Engineers and Scientists of the Future, is funded by a $1.2 million grant awarded to UNH Tech Camp by the National Institutes of Health through its Science Education Partnership Award program.

Note: This story originally appeared in Foster’s Daily Democrat.