Tech for Teachers Institute: Regenerative Medicine and Biofabrication

Taking Place July 14 - 25, 2025

Applications now being accepted!

The Tech for Teachers Institute is a dynamic, paid professional development program open to middle and high school teachers from across all STEM subject areas. The focus of the program is two-fold: Building knowledge of an emerging technology — this year regenerative medicine and biofabrication — and the transformation of instructional practice through project-based learning (PBL).

Regenerative medicine is an emergent technology and job sector in New Hampshire.  As a participant in the Tech for Teachers Institute, you will work in collaboration with fellow teachers, UNH faculty and graduate student mentors, industry professionals and educational experts, to design a regenerative medicine focused classroom project to implement during the 2025 – 26 school year.

teachers looking at laptop

Tech for Teachers is open to both school-based teams and individuals. Upon completion, participants will receive a $1,500 award, CEUs for 80 hours of professional development, classroom supplies and ongoing support from UNH faculty and graduate students. Space is limited this year to 12 participants.

Tech for Teachers is part of NH CREATES, a workforce development initiative at UNH, and funded by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) grant from the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Tech for Teachers / Program Overview

  • Attend seminars and develop deeper learning in regenerative medicine and project-based learning.
  • Initiate design of classroom projects and observe projects in action at UNH Tech Camp.
  • Observe and assist with middle and high school projects focused on regenerating planaria, cryopreservation of cells, bioinformatics and molecular biology.
  • Complete initial project design for implementation, introduce to Tech Camp participants and faculty experts for feedback and redesign.

Academic School Year

  • Teachers are expected to implement their project and participate in Tech for Teachers bi-monthly online cohort meetings.

  • Teachers will receive ongoing mentoring, technical support and funding for supplies to implement their project

Click here for application


    Contact Information

    Carmela Amato-Wierda
    Tech Camp, Director

    Amy Booth
    Tech Camp, Assistant Director

    Tech for Teachers Institute, Coordinator