Faculty Promotion & Tenure Procedures and Documents

These documents, in conjunction with the section on promotion and tenure in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between AAUP and the USNH Trustees, are to assist in planning and preparing for the promotion and tenure process.

Office of the Provost

Provost's Office Promotion and Tenure Procedures & Documents

Office of the Dean

CEPS Lecturer Promotion Policies & Procedures

Promotion and Tenure Case Instructions and Provost's Word Document:

Instructions for Preparing the Promotion and Tenure Statement

The following Word Templates have been created to assist with the creation of the case file. If you have problems with formatting, contact Susan Humphrey in the Dean's Office.

CEPS Departments

Chemical Engineering Criteria and Procedures (updated May 2010)

Chemistry Procedures (updated Spring 2018)

Civil and Environmental Engineering Procedures, Guidelines, and Expectations (updated July 2016)

Computer Science Procedures and Criteria (updated November 2015)

Electrical and Computer Engineering Procedures and Criteria (updated February 2010)

Mathematics and Statistics Guidelines (updated December 2018)

Mechanical Engineering Review Process (updated mARCH 2016)

Physics Timeline, Package Preparation, Expectations, and Rules (updated August 2012)