
Why Should I Get an Internship?

Internships provide real-world experience - a key factor employers look for when hiring.  Internships encourage you to apply your class knowledge to solve problems and contribute to an organization, develop transferable skills that you can use to compete for entry-level jobs, and expand your professional network. 

When Should I Start Applying to Summer Internships?

Many companies in the engineering and the physical sciences fields look to hire their summer interns in the fall semester or latest early winter.  Most application processes are completed by the end of March. If you attend the UNH Career and Internship Fair in the fall semester you will find that many of the companies are hiring their summer interns, or at the very least, collecting early application materials for the internships they plan to post in January.  Creating your application materials (resume, cover letter, etc.) takes time, so plan ahead. 

Stay organized and start searching early to make sure you do not miss the opportunity that interests you.


Use Handshake to assist in your internship search. Employers post to our site because they are interested in UNH students.

2. Job Boards

Seek out open opportunities on job boards such as and LinkedIn.


Interested in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (R.E.U.)?  These competitive opportunities allow undergraduates to conduct research at universities and research institutions nationally.  Many opportunities provide students with room & board, a stipend and travel expenses.  Search for opportunities: National Science Foundation -Search for an REU

4. Create a Company List

Identify companies and organizations you would like to intern with and reach out to the organizations that interest you. Not sure where to start? Use and the LinkedIn Alumni tool to search for employers in the areas you would like work.


Search for a myriad of opportunities within the federal government by identifying areas of interest.