James Houle

James Houle

Phone: (603) 862-1445
Office: Environmental Research Group, Gregg Hall Rm 342, Durham, NH 03824


  • Ph.D., Nat Resources & Environmental, University of New Hampshire
  • M.A., Sustainable Dev, School for International Train
  • B.S., Molecular Biology, University of New Hampshire

Selected Publications

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, K. M., Heath, D., & Houle, J. J. (2014). Assessment of Winter Maintenance of Porous Asphalt and Its Function for Chloride Source Control. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING, 140(2). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000618

  • Roseen, R. M., Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, K. M., Heath, D., & Houle, J. J. (2013). Assessment of winter maintenance of porous asphalt and its function for chloride source control. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future - Proceedings of the 2013 Congress (pp. 99-116).

  • Houle, J. J., Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Puls, T. A., & Jr, S. J. (2013). Comparison of Maintenance Cost, Labor Demands, and System Performance for LID and Conventional Stormwater Management. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 139(7), 932-938. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000698

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, J. J., Briggs, J. F., & Houle, K. M. (2012). Water Quality and Hydrologic Performance of a Porous Asphalt Pavement as a Storm-Water Treatment Strategy in a Cold Climate. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 138(1), 81-89. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000459

  • Avellaneda, P., Ballestero, T., Roseen, R., Houle, J., & Linder, E. (2011). A water quality model for stormwater filtering systems. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (pp. 3591-3600). doi:10.1061/41173(414)376

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Fowler, G. D., Guo, Q., & Houle, J. (2011). Sediment Monitoring Bias by Automatic Sampler in Comparison with Large Volume Sampling for Parking Lot Runoff. JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, 137(4), 251-257. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000168

  • Watts, A. W., Ballestero, T. P., Roseen, R. M., & Houle, J. P. (2010). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Stormwater Runoff from Sealcoated Pavements. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 44(23), 8849-8854. doi:10.1021/es102059r

  • Avellaneda, P., Ballestero, T. P., Roseen, R. M., & Houle, J. J. (2009). On Parameter Estimation of Urban Storm-Water Runoff Model. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 135(8), 595-608. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000028

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, J. J., Avellaneda, P., Briggs, J., Fowler, G., & Wildey, R. (2009). Seasonal Performance Variations for Storm-Water Management Systems in Cold Climate Conditions. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 135(3), 128-137. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2009)135:3(128)

  • Roseen, R. M., Ballestero, T. P., Houle, J. J., Avelleneda, P., Wildey, R., Briggs, J., & TRB. (2006). Storm water low-impact development, conventional structural, and manufactured treatment strategies for parking lot runoff - Performance evaluations under varied mass loading conditions. In Highway Facility Design 2006 (pp. 135-147). doi:10.3141/1984-15

  • Most Cited Publications