Marissa Morales '20

Research and development of biopharmaceuticals
Marissa Morales

Marissa Morales graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in chemical and bioengineering before enrolling at UNH as a Ph.D. student in chemical engineering in the fall of 2016. The Middletown, New Jersey native plans to pursue a career in research and development of biopharmaceuticals. She collaborated with researchers from the University of New England titled "Flow imaging microscopy as a novel tool for high-throughput evaluation of elastin-like polymer coacervates" that was published in PLOS One, a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science. In addition, she published a review article in bioconjugate chemistry "Guide to Selecting  Biorecogniton Element for Biosensors" that was featured on the cover and recently  hapublication accepted to Soft Matter titled "Electrochemical characterization of the stimuli-response of surface-immobilized elastin-like polymers." 

Why did you choose the specific program?

I choose this program for the opportunity to work on a project that was interesting and required the development of skills applicable within my research interests.

What is your research focus?

My lab focuses on the development of point-of-care electrochemical biosensors using surface modifications for specific analyte detection. My project specifically focuses on developing an elastin-like polymer-based biosensor for detection of interleukin-6.

Why did you choose UNH for your graduate program?

I chose UNH to pursue a research project that was interesting to me and required skills that would be beneficial with my future career goals. 

What have you found most unique, enjoyable or beneficial part of being in the UNH community?

The graduate school has been beneficial in providing great resources for students including providing access to workspaces and hosting professional development workshops.

How do you feel this program will help prepare you for your career or further education?

As part of my funding, I was able to participate in an industry internship opportunity providing me with first-hand industry experience as an intern research and development helping me to pursue my future career goals.

What is your advice to someone considering a graduate program at UNH?

Graduate school is a very difficult and long process, make sure to pick that program that suits your needs and interests.