Sarah Souliere

Sarah Souliere is the lead intern at the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center
Sarah Souliere stands below the Olson Center UNH sign

Rising Junior, Sarah Souliere, is a standout amongst the crowd as a UNH mechanical engineering student and lead Olson Center intern. With a positive outlook and an inquisitive mind, Sarah has a bright future in all she sets out to accomplish.

Sarah works closely with the Olson Center’s 3D printers as she finds it to be a great introduction to additive manufacturing and a look into the depths of 3D printer capabilities.

When asked about her favorite projects, Sarah had a long list of examples. Two of these standout projects are working on the 3D printing of a Satellite and scanning a Canoe head. Sarah’s dream project for the center will relate to material testing, followed by thermo-dynamics. This is the research she hopes to complete in her final two years at UNH.

For now, Sarah is taking a gap year to complete her basic training for the Air Force, where she hopes to further her mechanical engineering knowledge and experience. She attributes much of her growth to the Olson Center. Managing her time, taking responsibility, and having others rely on her have helped prepare her for the professional world.

When asked what she would say to people thinking about joining the Olson Center’s team, she said this, “If you want to experience, even though you are outside your comfort zone, do it! You can come here and make it your own; you might as well join and love it just like us.”

Written by Katelyn Clark '24