Scheduled to Win

YouScheduler takes top prize at 30th annual Holloway competition
2018 Holloway Winners

We hope YouScheduler team members Kristian Comer ’20 and Francesco Mikulis-Borsoi ’20 have scheduled some time to celebrate now that they have won the 30th annual Paul J. Holloway Prize Innovation to Market Competition and a $10,000 top prize.

The sophomore duo developed a class scheduling solution to address a common pain point students have when trying to schedule their courses for the semester: an efficient way to help them build in time for meals, part-time jobs and student teams or organizations, while still getting the classes they need. YouScheduler is currently being piloted at UNH, and according to Comer and Mikulis-Borsoi, the platform has received glowing endorsements from both students and university administrators, including John Kirkpatrick, UNH’s senior vice provost of student life and dean of students.