Nicholas Kirsch

Nicholas Kirsch

Phone: (603) 862-0142
Office: Electrical & Computer Engineering, Kingsbury W321, Durham, NH 03824

Nicholas J. Kirsch is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Hampshire. He obtained his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in May 2003. Nicholas received an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications in June 2006 and a Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering in June 2009 from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br><br>In 2001 and 2002, Nicholas worked for W.L. Gore &amp; Associates on fiber optic link modules and long-wavelength lasers. In graduate school, he worked with the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory and the Applied Communication and Information Networking group in Camden, NJ. His research interests include next generation communications systems, wireless sensor networks, cognitive radio, software defined radios, transparent antennas, and spectrum sensing technologies. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, University of New Hampshire, and Industry. Nicholas is currently the Vice President of Finance for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. <br><br>Nicholas is a member of IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, and AAAS.

Courses Taught

  • ECE 541: Electric Circuits
  • ECE 603: Electromagnetic Fields&Waves I
  • ECE 757: Fundmtls Communication Systems
  • ECE 757/857: Fundmtls Communication Systems
  • ECE 857: Fundmtls Communication Systems
  • ECE 920: Wireless Communication Systems
  • ECE 992: Adv Topics Electrical Engineer
  • ECE 999: Doctoral Research


  • Ph.D., Electrical&Electronic Eng. Tec, Drexel University
  • M.S., Electrical&Electronic Eng. Tec, Drexel University
  • B.S., Electrical&Electronic Eng. Tec, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Selected Publications

  • Wyglinski, A. M., Wickramarathne, T., Chen, D., Kirsch, N. J., Gill, K. S., Jain, T., . . . Xi, Z. (2023). Phantom Car Attack Detection via Passive Opportunistic RF Localization. IEEE Access, 11, 27676-27692. doi:10.1109/access.2023.3257281

  • Kandelusy, O. M., & Kirsch, N. J. (2022). Full-Duplex Buffer-Aided MIMO Relaying Networks: Joint Antenna Selection and Rate Allocation Based on Buffer Status. IEEE Networking Letters, 4(3), 99-103. doi:10.1109/lnet.2022.3170833

  • Al-Badrawi, M. H., Liang, Y., Seger, K. D., Foster, C. M., & Kirsch, N. J. (2022). Caller ID for Risso's and Pacific White-sided dolphins. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-08184-2

  • Kandelusy, O. M., & Kirsch, N. J. (2022). Multiantenna Multisource Multirelay Spectrum Sharing Networks: Buffer-Aware Direct Link Activation for Higher Reliability and Lower Overhead. IEEE Access, 10, 127031-127046. doi:10.1109/access.2022.3206033

  • Kubwimana, J. L., & Kirsch, N. (2021). The Impedance of Optically Transparent Thin Mesh Wire RF Devices. In 2021 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) (pp. 85-91). IEEE. doi:10.1109/piers53385.2021.9694773

  • Escobar, E. R., Kirsch, N. J., Kontopidis, G., & Turner, B. (2015). 5.5 GHz optically transparent mesh wire microstrip patch antenna. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 51(16), 1220-1221. doi:10.1049/el.2015.1594

  • Kirsch, N. J., Vacirca, N. A., Kurzweg, T. P., Fontecchio, A. K., Dandekar, K. R., & IEEE. (2010). Performance of Transparent Conductive Polymer Antennas in a MIMO Ad-hoc Network. In 2010 IEEE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMPUTING, NETWORKING AND COMMUNICATIONS (WIMOB) (pp. 9-14). doi:10.1109/WIMOB.2010.5644868

  • Kirsch, N. J., Vacirca, N. A., Plowman, E. E., Kurzweg, T. P., Fontecchio, A. K., Dandekar, K. R., & IEEE. (2009). Optically Transparent Conductive Polymer RFID Meandering Dipole Antenna. In IEEE RFID: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RFID (pp. 270-274). Retrieved from

  • Piazza, D., Kirsch, N. J., Forenza, A., Jr, H. R. W., & Dandekar, K. R. (2008). Design and evaluation of a reconfigurable antenna array for MIMO systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 56(3), 869-881. doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.916908

  • Tansu, N., Kirsch, N. J., & Mawst, L. J. (2002). Low-threshold-current-density 1300-nm dilute-nitride quantum well lasers. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 81(14), 2523-2525. doi:10.1063/1.1511290

  • Most Cited Publications