Courses Taught
- INCO 590: Student Research Experience
Selected Publications
Sugimura, R., Shiokawa, K., Miyoshi, Y., Smith, C., Spence, H., & Reeves, G. (2025). Statistical Analysis of Van Allen Probes‐B Observations of Stable Auroral Red Arc Intervals in the Overlap Region Between the Plasmasphere and the Ring Current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 130(3). doi:10.1029/2024ja032893
Lugaz, N., Lee, C. O., Al-Haddad, N., Lillis, R. J., Jian, L. K., Curtis, D. W., . . . Nieves-Chinchilla, T. (2024). The Need for Near-Earth Multi-Spacecraft Heliospheric Measurements and an Explorer Mission to Investigate Interplanetary Structures and Transients in the Near-Earth Heliosphere.. Space Sci Rev, 220(7), 73. doi:10.1007/s11214-024-01108-8
Klein, K. G., Spence, H., Alexandrova, O., Argall, M., Arzamasskiy, L., Bookbinder, J., . . . Zweibel, E. (2023). HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize Turbulence. Space Science Reviews, 219(8). doi:10.1007/s11214-023-01019-0
TenBarge, J., Spence, H., Juno, J., Chen, C., Smith, C., Génot, V., . . . Howes, G. G. (2023). Disentangling the Spatiotemporal Structure of Turbulence Using Multi-Spacecraft Data. Bulletin of the AAS. doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.9f70da28
Sigsbee, K., Kletzing, C. A., Faden, J., & Smith, C. W. (2023). Occurrence Rates of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves With Rising Tones in the Van Allen Probes Data Set.. J Geophys Res Space Phys, 128(2), e2022JA030548. doi:10.1029/2022JA030548
Saikin, A. A., Zhang, J. -C., Allen, R. C., Smith, C. W., Kistler, L. M., Spence, H. E., . . . Jordanova, V. K. (2015). The occurrence and wave properties of H+-, He+-, and O+-band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 120(9), 7477-7492. doi:10.1002/2015JA021358
Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Acuna, M., MacDowall, R. J., Torbert, R. B., Averkamp, T., . . . Tyler, J. (2013). The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on RBSP. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 179(1-4), 127-181. doi:10.1007/s11214-013-9993-6
MacBride, B. T., Smith, C. W., & Forman, M. A. (2008). The turbulent cascade at 1 AU: Energy transfer and the third-order scaling for MHD. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 679(2), 1644-1660. doi:10.1086/529575
Vasquez, B. J., Smith, C. W., Hamilton, K., MacBride, B. T., & Leamon, R. J. (2007). Evaluation of the turbulent energy cascade rates from the upper inertial range in the solar wind at 1 AU. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 112(A7). doi:10.1029/2007JA012305
Gosling, J. T., Skoug, R. M., McComas, D. J., & Smith, C. W. (2005). Direct evidence for magnetic reconnection in the solar wind near 1 AU. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 110(A1). doi:10.1029/2004JA010809