Giuseppe Masetti received an M.S. degree in Ocean Engineering (Ocean Mapping) from the University of New Hampshire in 2012, a Master in Marine Geomatics and a Ph.D. degree in System Monitoring and Environmental Risk Management from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 2008 and 2013, respectively.
After having served with the Italian Navy – as Operation Officer aboard the hydrographic vessels ITN Aretusa and ITN Magnaghi –, in 2013 he joined, as a Tyco Post-Doctoral Fellow, the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping where he is currently an adjunct research faculty. His areas of interest include methods to improve survey data acquisition, processing, and validation, with a focus on acoustic seafloor characterization. He is the lead developer of the HydrOffice research framework. He is also developer and manager of the E-learning Python for Ocean Mapping (ePOM) initiative.