Courses Taught
- CS 410C: Intro Scientific Programng/C
- CS 515: DataStruct&Intro/Algorithm Lab
- CS 518: Intro Software Engineering Lab
- CS 619: Intro O-O Design and Devel
- CS 671: Program Lang Concepts&Features
- CS 761: Program Lang Concepts&Features
- CS 761/861: Program Lang Concepts&Features
- CS 791: Senior Project I
- CS 792: Senior Project II
Selected Publications
Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. D. (2013). Designing a better weather display. INFORMATION VISUALIZATION, 12(3-4), 221-239. doi:10.1177/1473871612465214
Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. (2012). Designing a better weather display. In VISUALIZATION AND DATA ANALYSIS 2012 Vol. 8294. doi:10.1117/12.906213
Plumlee, M., Schwehr, K., Alexander, L., Sullivan, B., & Ware, C. (2009). GeoCoastPilot: A better way of organizing and displaying information in support of port familiarization. In 2013 OCEANS - San Diego (pp. 1-8). doi:10.23919/oceans.2009.5422138
Sullivan, B., Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. (2006). Predictive displays for survey vessels. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 2424-2428).
Plumlee, M. D., Plumlee, M. D., Ware, C., & Ware, C. (2006). Zooming versus multiple window interfaces: Cognitive costs of visual comparisons. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 13(2), 179-209. doi:10.1145/1165734.1165736
Ware, C., Arsenault, R., & Plumlee, M. (2006). Visualizing the underwater behavior of humpback whales. IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS, 26(4), 14-18. doi:10.1109/MCG.2006.93
Ware, C., & Plumlee, M. (2005). Chapter 29 3D Geovisualization and the Structure of Visual Space. In Exploring Geovisualization (pp. 567-576). doi:10.1016/b978-008044531-1/50447-4
Arsenault, R., Ware, C., Plumlee, M., Martin, S., Whitcomb, L. L., Wiley, D., . . . IEEE. (2004). A system for visualizing time varying oceanographic 3D data. In OCEANS '04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, VOLS 1- 2, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1-4 (pp. 743-747). Retrieved from
Plumlee, M., & Ware, C. (2003). An evaluation of methods for linking 3D views. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (pp. 193-201).
Ware, C., Plumlee, M., Arsenault, R., Mayer, L. A., Smith, S., House, D., . . . SOCIETY, M. T. (2001). GeoZui3D: Data fusion for interpreting oceanographic data. In OCEANS 2001 MTS/IEEE: AN OCEAN ODYSSEY, VOLS 1-4, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (pp. 1960-1964). Retrieved from