Marek Petrik

Marek Petrik

Phone: (603) 862-2682
Office: Computer Science, Kingsbury Hall Rm N229, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • CS 696: Independent Study
  • CS 750/850: Machine Learning
  • CS 751/851A: Reinforcement Learning
  • CS 757/857: Mathematical Optimization
  • CS 780/880: Top/Reinforcemnt Machine Learn
  • CS 950: Advanced Machine Learning
  • CS 999: Doctoral Research
  • CS/MATH 757/857/757/857: Mathematical Optimization
  • INCO 590: Student Research Experience
  • MATH 757/857: Mathematical Optimization


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • M.S., University of Massachusetts - Boston
  • M.S., Computer Science, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • B.S., Univerzita Komenskeho

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence/Cybernetics
  • Optimization

Selected Publications

  • Behzadian, B., Garatappeh, S., & Petrik, M. (2019). Fast Feature Selection for Linear Value Function Approximation.

  • Ho, C. P., Petrik, M., & Wiesemann, W. (2018). Fast Bellman Updates for Robust MDPs. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING, VOL 80 Vol. 80. Retrieved from

  • Cserna, B., Petrik, M., Russel, R. H., & Ruml, W. (2017). Value Directed Exploration in Multi-Armed Bandits with Structured Priors.. In G. Elidan, K. Kersting, & A. Ihler (Eds.), UAI. AUAI Press. Retrieved from