
Fellowship Finalist
Jesse Ross, a graduate student in civil engineering, was named a finalist for the 2020 class of the National Sea Grant College Program’s prestigious John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship.
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Serving in a Dual Role
Jake Remick ‘19 found an opportunity to balance a rigorous engineering course load while leading and mentoring others in the ROTC. He is now working at BAE Systems and is an infantry officer in the Army National Guard. Produced by UNH Communications and Public Affairs.
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Taoqing Wang was born in Shanxi Province in China and completed her undergraduate studies as a chemistry major at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China in 2010. She obtained her MSc in bioengineering from the China Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2013 under the supervision of Prof.…
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"My favorite spot on campus is the wave tank in the High Bay of the Chase Ocean Engineering Lab. It's quite amazing to look at the beautiful waves created by the tank and relate them to my classes, or rather to connect the math and science of what's happening in front of me.  I get really excited…
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Gordy Hunter was born and raised in rural Northeast Iowa and completed his undergraduate studies as a chemistry major at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He performed his master’s degree research under the direction of Vicki H. Grassian at the University of Iowa, studying size-dependent…
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Ruiwen Chen was born in Jilin Province in China and completed her undergraduate studies in Textile Chemical Engineering at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in 2013. She came to University of New Hampshire and joined…
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Many students enter college with a desire to make the world a better place. Eden Suoth ’18 is doing it. He says at UNH he gained a sense of confidence and ability to legitimately enact real change in the world, enact real change within the community.
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YouScheduler takes top prize at 30th annual Holloway competition
We hope YouScheduler team members Kristian Comer ’20 and Francesco Mikulis-Borsoi ’20 have scheduled some time to celebrate now that they have won the 30th annual Paul J. Holloway Prize Innovation to Market Competition and a $10,000 top prize. The sophomore duo developed a class scheduling…
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After a slow start on day one of the competition, the Wildcats surged into the top half of teams before the event’s closure thanks to a solid defensive effort.
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A Milestone Worth Marking
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To those whom much is given, much is required. It is the motto that drives John Edward “Ed” Hamel ’61 in his business and philanthropic endeavors and is the foundation of his selection as the 2016 College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) Distinguished Alumni Award recipient. The CEPS…
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During this past summer I lived in Sendai, Japan, where I conducted space robotics research on the Google Lunar X-Prize team Hakuto rover alongside an international team while also exploring nearby areas and attending festivals and holiday events where I was able to learn about Japanese culture and…
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